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Security setting menu.jpg


Security Settings are an important aspect of securing homes, both structurally as well as the items within the home. Every UO player should be well aware of how Security Settings work lest they stand to lose their belongings or even not be safe within their own home. It is important to note that this page describes the Security Setting topic but is not comprehensive in regards to overall House Security game mechanics or good practices in general.

Setting Security

Each security level has it's own implications in terms of allowing who is allowed access to the object the security is being set on. The levels are set as follows:

  • Owner Only - Only characters on the homeowner's player account may access or use the object. This is automatically the default on all objects, whether it is a structural element of the home or an object locked down or container secured within the home.
  • Co-Owners - Only characters who are Co-Owners to the home may access or use the object.
  • Friends - Only characters who are Friends to the home may access or use the object.
  • Guild Members - Only characters who are in the same Guild as the homeowner's character who set this security setting may access or use the object.
  • Anyone - Anyone, literally anyone, who walks by may access or use the object, provided they can reach the object, especially important to bear in mind if the home is set to Private status.

Structural Security

Certain structural elements of a player home may be secured, including doors and teleporter tiles. Using the Contextual menu on the structural element, a Set Security option will be displayed if that element can have security set on it. Selecting it will open the Set Access menu(shown above) where the security level can be set. Of course, disallowing anyone but characters on the homeowner's account and any Friended or Co-Owned characters can be achieved by setting the home's status to Private can done by the homeowner via the House sign. However there are many instances when a player will want to allow access to a home to any player, by setting the home's status to Public, but can still restrict access to certain rooms or levels by changing the security setting on doors and teleporters, especially in homes where Vendors are in use. All doors and teleporters default automatically to Owner Only when a player home is built.

Container and Item Security

Having items "on display" or otherwise out in the open within a player home must also address security. Containers that are secured within a home will automatically pop up the Set Access menu and default to Owner Only level access. Dismissing the menu without making a selection will leave the default Owner Only level intact. However, certain items generally intended to be used by other players visiting the home require appropriate non-Owner Only settings. Examples include Bulletin Boards, various Dying Tubs and Dyes, some tools and certain House Addons.