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If you have visited the shard Baja you might have encountered a quite original being called The Yattering. With Mesanna's help we were able to address him, ask him some questions, and get away without getting bitten - although he was constantly eyeing our notice book. Here are his answers:
- How do you keep your teeth so sharp?
- Mama say "no more bitings." yatter gnawing guardy bones now.
- How do you like living in a tree?
- loves yattertree!
- Can you tell us what it was like being part of the town guards and why you quit?
- no quit! yattering best guardy ever! ON OR! coooo-rage! doo-teee!*
- [*Yatterese for Honor, Courage and Duty. The editor]
- If you were to have a pet what would it be?
- yattering want a Seppy-pet! Mama make a Seppy-doll for yatterbed please?
- People seem to either love you or hate you, do you know why that is?
- no Mama. yattery adorable! how no lovings me?
- Where did you live before you came to Britannia?
- yatter was livings in Abyss. they say yattery annoying. big demons toss yattery out.
- Where is the rest of your family?
- demons throw yattery out. no family but Mama now. yattering have gobliny-friends though. missings Bom Evilstench.
- How did you become Mesanna’s Pet?
- was bitings knees as faire. bit Mama. Mama bite back. LOVE!
- What do you like to do that you enjoy the most for fun?
- makings fire, bothering guardys and killing Seppy. *cackles*
- We have noticed that you like collecting Guard items of clothing, which ones are you still missing?
- needings pair of looker-helpers from funny-eye guardy.
- If you could do anything in this world what would you like to do?
- cuddling Mama while she kills everyone with herd of super-killer fire-breathing greater paragon ice cows of death.
- How much money did you make in your kissing booth that was a part of the Fall Festival?
- yatter get ball of yarn, chewed cookie, and kissy from very ugly boy. yuck!
- What do you feel is your most valued possession of all your treasures?
- yattery cuddles Brackybones when Mama no here.
- Is there any truth to the rumor that you can’t handle your spiced holiday Cider?
- *hic* juice makes world do spinnings, yattery walk funny and fall out of tree. no likings fishys either. make yattertummy sick. only yatterberry brandy and yatterfish no make sick.
- Last but not least is there anything you want to tell us about yourself so everyone can love you as much as I do?
- people thinkings yattering a gobliny. no gobliny. yatter a demon! everyone should love yattery! Mama kill ones who don't! *cackles*
PS: mean peoples take all yatterberry bushes away. Mama make one grow for crunchys and munchys? Also Mama turn Godivy into pink squirrel? *cackles*