Guild: Citizens of Yew
This is a Role Playing guild for my characters who live and work out of the greater Yew area of Catskills. Others are welcome to join. As a Role playing guild these guilds do not exist in any in character (IC) terms. They are merely meant to help me manage my characters for now. If I ever do allow someone to join they will meet the standards of ROE and role played conduct that we have come to define on Catskills. The reason for there being 5 guilds instead of one was to allow me to be able to play within the faction system in an IC way. Thus there is a guild for each of the factions aas well as a nuetral guild.
Citizens of Yew (True Britanians) *Y*
Citizens of Yew (Shadowlords) ^Y^
Citizens of Yew (Council of Mages) &Y&
More to come in the future!!