The Shadowguard is a series of encounters found at Minax's fortress in the Valley of Eodon. A single player or party can attempt to defeat challenge rooms. There are five rooms which have special conditions to complete. Double-click the enchanting crystal ball in the grand hall to open the encounter menu. It shows your current progress and allows selection of encounters.
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Spoiler Warning The Shadowguard rooms are designed like puzzles. You may wish to figure out one or more rooms on your own. If you get stuck you can always read further into this article. |
There are five themed rooms that can be completed in any order. Red room names indicated you need to complete them. Green room names indicate you have successfully completed that one. You can repeat successfully completed rooms as many times as you wish but it won't net you anything.
To enter as a group you must form a Party. Only the party leader can use the crystal ball and select which encounter you will go to. Room difficulty is increased (more monsters) the more party members you have.
Once you enter there is a 30 minute time limit to complete the room. When the time limit is reached players in the room will be teleported back to the fortress near the crystal ball. You will also be teleported out if your entire party dies. If you want to exit a room without completing it, open a Contextual menu on your character. There is an Ankh located next to the exit location that can be used to resurrect after a failed encounter.
The Bar
You are transported into a bar with tables and ale left all over. Four waves of pirates will spawn. They have they same reflect damage as Executioners. You can fight them normally but there is also bottles of liquor that spawn on the tables. Pick up a bottle in your backpack and double-click throw them at the pirates. If a throw is successful it does 300 damage. Four bottles will defeat a normal pirate. There is a chance to drink the bottle or have it break in your hand and damage yourself. The bottles will respawn and have a Lifespan of 60 seconds.
After the normal pirates are defeated Shanty the Pirate will appear. He is a lot stronger and faster. You can still use the bottles of ale on him.
- Pets or Summons can work well to distract the pirates
- Word of Death is not reflected back on you
The Orchard
You are transported into a courtyard with Apple Trees. In the northern part of the area you find the withered bones of an adventured. On the corpse is a tattered book that reads:
- "I've finally found... this vile orchard is the key to Minax's enchantments!... days I've spent trapped within this tower, I dare not pick the fruit from the foliage for I know not the consequences may... Hunter is building... so hundred I must... Blech! Vile fruit!... What's This? For when I tossed this vile apple from whence it came a horrific beast appeared!... for I hope I can fight it..."
The goal is to destroy all the trees. To pick an apple double-click the truck of a tree. The apple will appear in your backpack with the name of a Virtue or a Dungeon. The apple has a lifespan of 30 seconds and must be thrown at the opposing alignment tree. Each tree is randomly assigned to represent a virtue or dungeon. Double-click the apple and throw it at a different tree (target the trunk). There are two possible outcomes:
- Success - Your throw releases powerful magics and destroys the tree! Both the tree you picked the apple from and the one it was thrown at are destroyed.
- Failure - Your throw seems to have summoned an ambush! A Vile Treefellow will appear for every person in the orchard. This also occurs if the apple expires (they have a lifespan of 30 seconds).
There are two ways to approach this encounter.
- Write down the type of apple each tree gives you and figured out where the opposing tree is. This will result in less treefolk spawning but take more time.
- Pick an apple from one tree and go around throwing it at all the other trees. This method is a little faster but will result in a lot more treefolk spawning.
Virtue | Compassion | Honor | Honesty | Humility | Justice | Sacrifice | Spirituality | Valor |
Vice | Despise | Shame | Despise | Pride | Wrong | Covetous | Hythloth | Destard |
The Armory
The rooms and halls lined with armored statues. After a few moments Enchanted Armor and Ensorcelled Armor warriors wielding Halberds will begin appearing inside the rooms.
Sometimes, when an armored warrior is defeated, it will drop a black bottle on the ground named a Corrupt Phylactery. Pick up the bottle and take it to the center of the halls with the braziers that have special Purifying Flames. Double-click the bottle and target the flames.
You will now have a Purified Phylactery in your backpack. Go up to one of the golden Cursed Suit of Armor statues, double-click the purified bottle and target the statue (easiest to target the statue base). The statue will be destroyed. Do this to all the golden statues to complete the encounter.
- Have one person handle the statues while the rest kill the warriors.
- Have the party move to the next room once all the statues are destroyed in the current one.
The Fountain
This grand fountain needs to be drained, it is overflowing and creating Vile Water Elementals. When killed they leave behind Canal pieces of various shapes on the ground. The goal is to create a canal between the four gold Spigots on the fountain and the drains scattered throughout the room. Place them in such a way as to create a way for water to flow from the spigot to the drain.
Once you have a complete pathway double-click on the spigot to start the water flow. If the path is not correct then a Hurricaine Elemental will spawn. Even worse, any parts of the canal that the water flowed through will be destroyed! Make sure you have a complete path for the water to follow before turning the spigot on.
Once all four spigots are emptying into drains, the fountain will run out of water and the room is defeated.
- More than one spigot can diverted into the same drain.
- Short on straight pieces? Create a zig-zag pattern with corner pieces.
- While the elementals are weak, they can quickly overwhelm you if they are not defeated quickly.
- Bring extra backpacks or pouches to easily organize all the canal pieces.
- Canal pieces will cover the entire floor and block your movement. Pick them up as quickly as possible.

The Belfry
The first thing you will notice is the Greater Dragon perched atop the center platform. You cannot deal any damage to it but it will breath fire and cast spells down on you. There are a pair of Feeding Bells on both the west and east ends of the area.
Double-clicking a Feeding Bell will summon Vile Drakes. When killed there is a chance that a Magic Drake Wing can appear on their corpse. Using this item a single player can be transported up to the platform and fight the Greater Dragon. The wing only has a lifespan of about 1 minute so it is not possible to stock up on them and have everyone go at the same time.
The Greater Dragon of this area is no ordinary Greater Dragon. It has about 10x the amount of hit points, around 10,000. If you take too long to fight then dragon then you may be knocked off the platform and have to find another drake wing to use.
- Have one person, preferably a warrior, equipped to combat the dragon. Hand them the Magic Drake Wing to use.
- Be sure to bring a Dragon Slayer weapon.
- Other players can cast heal and other beneficial spells if the player on the platform stands close to the edge.
The Roof
Once all five of the rooms have been successfully completed The Roof can be entered.
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This article or section needs to be expanded upon with more information. Please add to it if you have knowledge. For more information see UOGuide:Introduction. |
A player has the chance to receive one of the following artifacts in their backpack upon the death of the final legend of the roof encounter.
Fortress Lobby in the Enhanced Client
The grand entrance to Minax's new castle