Blacksmithy Recipes
Preview | Name | Recipe Obtained From |
File:ColdForgedBlade.gif | Cold Forged Blade | Smith Quest. Extremely rare. |
File:LuminousRuneBlade.gif | Luminous Rune Blade | Smith Quest. Extremely rare. |
File:OverseerSunderedBlade.gif | Overseer Sundered Blade | Smith Quest. Extremely rare. |
File:RuneCarvingKnife.gif | Rune Carving Knife | Tinker Quests. Common. Also rare from Smith Quests. |
File:ShardThrasher.gif | Shard Thrasher | Smith Quests. Extremely rare. |
Magic Items
- Properties of Magic Items (but not Artifacts) stack with properties from Runic Hammers.
- Smith Quests are quests that ask for Bascinets, Heater Shields, Dragon Helmets, and Broadswords. All Blacksmith recipes are obtained from these except for the Rune Carving Knife (which is instead obtained from quests that give tinker/alchemist/inscription recipes)