Welcome to UOGuide, the 8,067 page master resource for Ultima Online that anyone can edit.
Featured Content
Each week, new additions to the site are highlighted.
- 9th Anniversary - The latest anniversary of UO has also been the biggest in terms of gifts.
- Spellweaving - UO's newest and least understood skill. Check out the abilities, power, and guide to training.
- Champion Spawns - Find out all you ever needed to know about one of the systems that drives the UO economy.
UO News
- Ricardo has been found Guilty, stay tuned for his pending execution.
- This season's gifts are now in testing.
- Britannian has been blanketed in snow.
Site News
- December 20 - The Holiday 2006 section is now up, with pictures and explinations of all the gifts you will recieve.
Featured Screenshots
This week's feature screenshots are from Shard of the Dead II.
Zombies have invaded a shop in
The slayer base is quite a corpse festival. It is no wonder they are winning.