Main Page

Revision as of 14:42, 2 January 2007 by JC the Builder (Talk | contribs) (Featured Content)

Welcome to UOGuide, the 8,067 page master resource for Ultima Online that anyone can edit.

Featured Content

Each week, new additions to the site are highlighted.


UO News

  • Ricardo has been found Guilty, stay tuned for his pending execution.
  • Holiday gifts are being distributed, login to claim yours.
  • Britannian has been blanketed in snow.

Site News

  • December 31 - UOForums has been gracious enough to host a discussion board for UOGuide. A permanent link has been added in the main menu.
  • December 27 - The Veteran Reward section has had many new pages added to it for each item.
  • December 20 - The Holiday 2006 section is now up, with pictures and explanations of all the gifts you will recieve.

Featured Screenshots

This week's feature screenshots are of Britannia's snowy season.

Reapers are acting strange lately.
Britain bank has been transformed into a winter wonderland.