Treasures of the Feudal Lands

Revision as of 18:26, 15 April 2024 by Jynxx (Talk | contribs)

An Artifact of the Shogun

Treasures of the Feudal Lands was an event that took place in multiple areas of the Tokuno Islands during autumn of 2023. As with other Treasures of events, it utilized the same rules as the previous structure of turn-in points awarded for monster kills, identical to the Castle Blackthorn Dungeon Minax Artifact system.


The denizens killed in designated areas of the Tokuno Islands during the event had a chance of dropping items marked as an Artifact of the Shogun, which could be turned in to the NPC at the entrance for a variety of rewards. This NPC also acted as a healer to resurrect dead players.


All items spawned during this event were Shard Bound, restricting them to their originating shard only. Each of these items are fully tradeable on their home shard but cannot be moved with a Character Transfer token. Everything related to the event is affected, including the dungeon drops (points) as well as all rewards (decorative and equipment) available from turning in said points.


Item Description Points
Page of Lore** Decoration 1
Shoji Screen Decoration 10
Jade Lantern Decoration 10
Raw Jade Decoration 10
Feudal Kabuto Equipment 15
Daimyo Reward Title 15
Shogun Reward Title 15
Feudal Lord Reward Title 15
Yurei Reward Title 15
Feudal Cloak of Elements Fur Cape 35
Feudal Wing Armor of Elements Wing Armor 35
Storm Lord's Steel Wakizashi 35
Feudal Ghostwalkers Footware 35
Mushroom Cultivator's Apron Half Apron 35
Conjurer's Trinket Talisman 35
Warlord Sash Sash 40
Serpent’s Bite Talisman 50
Weeping Edge Bokuto 50
Shugenja’s Wand Wand 60
Sentinel’s Mempo Platemail Mempo 65
Sentinel’s Necklace Platemail Amulet 65
Shugenja’s Raiment Studded Do or Stone Chest 75
Divine Sanctifier Hammer Pick or Disc Mace 80
Gloves of the Holy Warrior Platemail Gloves 100
Gargish Kilt of the Holy Warrior Platemail Kilt 100
Ozymandias' Hiru Pet 150


There were 6 decorative pages of lore detailing the story of the Whispers in the Wind. These could be added to a Book of Lore


Previous Treasures of the Archlich Next
Treasures of the Archlich 6th Oct '23 - 31st Dec '23 TBD

See Also