Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum

Revision as of 15:59, 7 November 2024 by Dapeekas (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "'''Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum''' was an event that took place throughout Britannia during Winter of 2024-25. As with other Treasures of events, it u...")

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Treasures of the Shattered Sanctum was an event that took place throughout Britannia during Winter of 2024-25. As with other Treasures of events, it utilized the same rules as the previous structure of turn-in points awarded for monster kills, identical to the Castle Blackthorn Dungeon Minax Artifact system.


Undead are invading the towns of Britannia. Earn artifacts bearing the crest of the Shattered Sanctum by defeating mobs. These artifacts could be turned in to the NPC for a variety of rewards. This NPC also acted as a healer to resurrect dead players.


All items spawned during this event were Shard Bound, restricting them to their originating shard only. Each of these items are fully tradeable on their home shard but cannot be moved with a Character Transfer token. Everything related to the event is affected, including the dungeon drops (points) as well as all rewards (decorative and equipment) available from turning in said points.


Item Description Points
Page of Lore** 6 Pages 1
Decaying Hedge Decoration 5
Putrid Shield Shield 10
Zombie Horse Decoration 15
Grasping Zombie Decoration 20
Warden Of Shadows Reward Title 20
Climbing Zombie Decoration 25
First Aid Belt Belt Slot 30
Ankh of Devotion Teleporter 30
Zombie Tapestry Decoration 30
Wraithwalker Reward Title 30
Conjurer's Trinket Talisman 35
Necrotic Brazier Decoration 40
Corrupted Paladin Vambraces Platemail Arms 50
Mantle Of The Archlich Robe 50
Gloves of the Archlich Bone Gloves 50
Solaria's Secret Poisons Earrings 50
Deathforged Claymore Claymore 50
Shadow Master's Talisman Talisman 60
Kaelvok's Cincture Belt Slot 65
Vortha's Medallion Octopus Necklace 70
Deathwarden's Greaves Leather Pants/Skirt 75
Azarok's Legplates Platemail Legs 80
Azaroik's Leggings Legs 80
General Lethe's Tabard Tabard 100
Lord Morphius' Tabard Tabard 100
Mordrax's Compendium Spellbook 100
Mordrax's Tome Spellbook 100
Moldering Ursine Pet 200