Manifestation of Evil

Revision as of 07:34, 31 October 2024 by Dapeekas (Talk | contribs)

The Manifestation of Evil was part of the Dynamic Event series Echoes of the Blighted Realm, specifically the Shadow's Awakening which took place in October of 2024.


Manifestation of Evil Statistics
Spawn Locations Anywhere
Fame Slayer Vulnerability Unknown
Karma Alignment Evil
First Seen Shadows Awakening Pack Instinct None
Gold Magic Items
Special Shadows Awakening Rewards Cut Up
Strength 684 Hit Points  ???
Dexterity 823 Stamina 415
Intelligence 957 Mana 50000
Barding Difficulty 160 Taming Difficulty N/A
Base Damage 21 - 28 Preferred Foods Meat
Wrestling 120 Poisoning
Tactics 122 Magery
Resisting Spells 150.0 Evaluating Intelligence
Anatomy Meditation
Detecting Hidden Hiding
Parrying Healing
Necromancy Spirit Speak
Mysticism Focus
Spellweaving Discordance
Bushido Ninjitsu
Chivalry Special Abilities Dismount, Disarm, Whirlwind Attack, Double Strike, summons portals/support
Resists and Damage
Types Physical Fire Cold Poison Energy
Resistances 84 75 90 72 73
Damage 25% 50% 25%


The Manifestation of Evil summons portals which produces additional spawn of 'Shadow Reaver's' to assist them. The portals can be attacked and destroyed reducing the amount of spawn and making the fight easier. Even after the Manifestation of Evil is killed the portals and spawn will remain until destroyed.

New Tamable

Shadow Hound occasionally spawns from the portals from the Manifestation of Evil spawn. This is a new rare tamable which is only available during this event.

See Also