KR Maps

When first logging into KR the small radar map will be displayed. To toggle between the Radar Map and the Large World Map click on the World Map Icon on the lower right Menu hotbar.
Radar Map
The small radar map is that which you see when first starting the game. The small green 'dot' is your location (known as a waypoint). As you move, the map will follow you. You may also toggle between this small map and the larger map by clicking on the small maptab (marked 1) and may close the map by clicking the blue gem (marked 2).
World Map
The larger World Map contains a lot more information on what is available for players.
- 1. Clicking this '-' button will zoom the map out to give you a larger view of the world.
- 2. Clicking this 'x' button will zoom the map in, to get a closer view.
- 3. Clicking this button will toggle you back to the Radar Map.
- 4. Clicking the X will close the map completely.
- 5. Waypoints are the 'description' of the 'dots' you see on your screen. These waypoints display various things and the full list of options for you to view are (from the top down): Your Corpse, Party Members, Rally Point, Quest Giver, Quest Destination, Resurrection, Points of Interest, Landmarks, Towns, Dungeons, Shrines, Moongates, Shops, Player (You). There are now also 10 CUSTOM waypoints which may have icons/colors set as you wish, these custom icons are used on the main map to set customized waypoints. (see below under setting waypoints)
- 6. Clicking on Map Options will take you to another 'screen' where you may edit what you wish to display, the colors and on which area of the map you wish to view items. This is discussed below in 'Map Options'.
The 'dots' seen in the large map above, are various waypoints. To see what the waypoint represents, place your cursor on the colored waypoint marker for a description. In this case it is Moonglow Moongate, and the information is displayed in a text box as shown.
Map Options
This screen is divided into four columns.
- Column 1 represents the Waypoint you are editing.
- Column 2 is those waypoints which display on the larger World Map
- Column 3 is those waypoints which display on the Radar Map
- Column 4 is those waypoints which will display 'graphically' in general game play.
It is up to you what waypoints you wish to view on your map/s and those you wish to be 'graphically' highlighted in game.
- To select those you wish to 'see' place a X on the relevant round button in each column 2-4. In the example shown the 'Corpse' and 'Party Members' buttons are X'd for all three options, whereas the 'Rally Point' is only 'seen' on the maps, not In Game.
- The 'In Game' function and changing the waypoint colors are explained below.
- To return to the World Map click the box 'Return to Map' on the bottom right.
- To close the map completely click the 'X' as ringed in blue on the top right.
The 'In Game' Function
The picture to the left is a demonstration of the effect for the In Game function that may be checked on or off from the map option screen. As can be seen when any waypoint is checked to 'In Game' a shaft of light will radiate up from the waypoint. In this case it is a Party Member. This In Game feature is handy if you need to locate your party in dense foliage. It is also very handy for the 'corpse' waypoint to be displayed as if you lose your corpse in the forests or cluttered areas (especially those with a lot of dead bodies around) the shaft of light makes locating it very simple.
Which of the In Game waypoints you elect to 'see' is up to you. It is a simple matter to toggle them on and off as you wish. Eg, when in a large party hunting you may wish it 'on' however if sitting in an auction house you may wish it 'off' to avoid having shafts of light all over your screen! They may be toggled off from the Large Map by just clicking on the waypoint 'dot' however to reset to 'on' you need to enter map options to recheck (X) the button.
Changing Colors
Should you wish to change the color or display size of a waypoint LEFT click once on the colored 'dot' you wish to change in colums 2 or 3 to obtain the pop up color menu. Clicking on the large, medium or small 'dot' will change the color/size of the waypoint displayed to that nominated.
Setting Customized Waypoints
The KR Map now allows you to set custom waypoints. You may set a waypoint in a number of ways:
To position a waypoint where you are standing:
- Right Click where you are standing on the large map (you may need to toggle the player icon off if it is displayed to get the point accurate) and a bar comes up with 'create waypoint here'. This opens to the create waypoint menu as shown.
- Select the Facet (Trammel, Felucca etc)
- Select the Custom Icon you would like from the drop down list (which you have set in map options or if you wish to change it left click the waypoint 'dot' displayed beneath and change the color/icon directly from the custom screen.
- Give your waypoint a name (at present only 8 characters allowed)
- Check that the waypoint icon at the bottom of the box is the one you want and select 'create'
- This will place a waypoint directly to the position you targeted when you right clicked.
To position a waypoint in another location:
- Right Click anywhere on the large map and in the create waypoint menu, enter its co-ordinates in the co-ordinates box. The little gem on the left 'toggles' the way the co-ordinates are entered. (i.e. as Lat: -27.52 Long: 168.22, or as XYZ co-ordinates i.e. X 3035 Y 133 Z)
- This will place a waypoint at the selected co-ordinates.
With waypoint names 'ON' your waypoint will display on your maps, you may elect to have it on the large, radar or ingame functions as per any other waypoint. Cursoring over the point will also give you the title bar should you not have waypoint names displayed.. In this case I have displayed both ways.
To edit or delete a waypoint you have placed, right click on the 'dot' and select the 'edit waypoint' bar, you may change it or delete it in the 'Edit Waypoint' menu that opens up.