Damage Calculations
All creature and player damage is calculated using the following formulas.
- Tactics Damage Bonus (Percentage)
- For Tactics Skill Levels < 100.0
- Tactics Damage Bonus = Skill Level/1.6
- For Tactics Skill Levels >= 100.0
- Tactics Damage Bonus = Skill Level/1.6 + 6.25
- For Tactics Skill Levels < 100.0
- Anatomy Damage Bonus (Percentage)
- (Skill Level/2) + 5
- Lumberjacking Damage Bonus (Percentage)
- For Lumberjacking Skill Levels < 100.0
- Skill Level/5
- For Lumberjacking Skill Levels = 100.0
- (Skill Level/5) + 10
- For Lumberjacking Skill Levels < 100.0
- Strength Damage Bonus (Percentage)
- For Strength < 100
- Strength * 0.3
- For Strength >= 100
- (Strength * 0.3) + 5
- For Strength < 100
- Total Damage Bonus (Percentage )
- Tactics Damage Bonus + Anatomy Damage Bonus + Lumberjacking Damage Bonus + Strength Damage Bonus + SUM(Damage Increase Items)
Final Damage = Base Damage + (Base Damage * Final Damage Bonus)
Assume the following statistics
- Tactics: 120.0
- Anatomy: 120.0
- Lumberjack:0.0
- Strength: 125
- Damage Increase (Items): 100%
Tactics Damage Bonus = (120 / 1.6) + 6.25 = 81.25% Anatomy Damage Bonus = (120 / 2) + 5 = 65% Lumberjacking Damage Bonus = 0/5 = 0 Strength Damage Bonus = (125 * 0.3) + 5 = 42.5% Damage Increase from Items = 100%
Total Damage Bonus = 81.25 + 65 + 0 + 42.5 + 100 = 288.75%
Now, final damage using a weapon with a base damage of 5 - 10 can be calculated as follows.
- Min Final Damage = 5 + (5 * 2.8875) = 19
- Max Final Damage = 10 + (10 * 2.8875) = 39
This means the damage range for these specified values is 19 - 39.