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Ultima Online

Revision as of 05:15, 28 November 2006 by BBR (Talk | contribs) (Current Direction)

One of the more decorative UO logos.
Ultima Online (UO) is an MMORPG published by Electronic Arts and launched on September 25, 1997. The game is subscribed by hundreds of thousands of players across dozens of Shards.


UO has seen many expansions, averaging 1 per year since its release. Some have simply added to the game (The Second Age) while others have changed it drastically (Age of Shadows). The graphics have remained largely the same since release (aside from the new Third Dawn client, with most items never being modified. This is however due for another drastic change with the upcoming Kingdom Reborn game expansion, featuring a brand new client.

Current Direction

After the last expansion, Mondain's Legacy, the game had taken a new course. Instead of simply planning for another expansion the developers focused more on bug fixes and in-game content. This has continued for over a year and has given birth to the epic Inu storyline. It has lead to the announcement of the Kingdom Reborn expansion and is still continuing to drive in-game fiction. This has been led by UO's latest producer, Darkscribe.

See Also

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