Hit Lower Attack

Revision as of 08:16, 16 December 2009 by Cogniac (Talk | contribs) (See Also)

Hit Lower Attack (HLA) is an item property found on weapons. A successful hit with such a weapon will lower the hit chance increase (HCI) rating of the target by 25 points for 8 seconds. All attackers enjoy the benefit from a successful HLA hit. In other words, the effect is global and not specific to the attacker who scored the HLA hit. The intensity for the property runs from 2% to 50 %. There is no cap on HLA. Multiple or simultaneous hits with HLA do not lower the target's attack any lower than 25. However, the 8 second duration timer will reset with each successful hit.

For those who play with sound effects enabled, there is a unique noise associated with a successful HLA hit.

By way of example, the formula for hit chance percentage is:

( ( [Attacker's Combat Skill + 20] * [100% + Attacker's Hit Chance Increase]) / ([Defender's Combat Skill + 20] * [100% + Defender's Defense Chance Increase] * 2 ) ) * 100

HLA is applied directly against the HCI portion of the equation above. It can even make that value negative. However, an opponent with a cumulative Hit Chance Increase of 70% or more will nullify any HLA hit. In such a circumstance, the HLA hit will only reduce your opponent's HCI to the maximum (which is all that the game was counting anyway).

See Also