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Flag swordsmanship.gif

"Fear me! I am a master swordsman! I dance with my finely polished blade! I swing grand arcs above my head! I twirl my sword with grace and... ouch!"

The fine art of Swordsmanship is a skill to be admired. Employing neither the wallop-on-the-head approach of the mace fighter, nor the pinging, poking thrust of the fencer, the swordsman knows the near-silent whistle of polished metal slicing the air — and other, less vaporous things…

This skill also counts towards your ability to perform Special Moves.


From 0 - 30 skill you should buy from the Warrior Guildmaster. After that you need to hold a sword in hand and hit opponents. For more details on training Swordsmanship or other melee skills visit the Melee Training Guide page.


The standard sword class of weapons are primarily designed to chop and slice opponents. As it offers the largest range of weapons to choose from by far, the Power Scrolls required to become a Legendary Swordsman are considered extremely valuable.

Another exclusive bonus to Swordsmen is the Axe weapon class. These add an additional Damage Increase bonus dependant on your character's Lumberjacking skill, though this is typically considered too low to be worth pursuing.

Note that as the Tinkering skill has no Runic Tools, the items it produces are seldom used as primary weapons in combat. On the other hand, the only swords which may be used with the Poisoning skill are created by Tinkers (the Butcher Knife and the Cleaver).

One Handed

Type Base
Bokuto.png Bokuto 9 - 11 Feint Nerve Strike 2s Carpentry
Bone Harvester.png Bone Harvesters 13 - 15 Paralyzing Blow Mortal Strike 3s Blacksmithy
Broadsword.png Broadswords 14 - 15 Crushing Blow Armor Ignore 3.25s Blacksmithy
Butcher Knife.png Butcher Knives 9 - 11 Infectious Strike Disarm 2.25s Tinkering
Cleaver.png Cleavers 11 - 13 Bleed Attack Infectious Strike 2.5s Tinkering
Cutlass.png Cutlasses 11 - 13 Bleed Attack Shadowstrike 2.5s Blacksmithy
Elven Machete.png Elven Machetes 13 - 15 Defense Mastery Bladeweave 2.75s Blacksmithy
Katana.png Katana 11 - 13 Double Strike Armor Ignore 2.5s Blacksmithy
Longsword.png Longswords 15 - 16 Armor Ignore Concussion Blow 3.5s Blacksmithy
Pickaxe.png Pickaxes 13 - 15 Double Strike Disarm 3s Tinkering
Radiant Scimitar.png Radiant Scimitars 12 - 14 Whirlwind Attack Bladeweave 2.5s Blacksmithy
Scimitar.png Scimitars 13 - 15 Double Strike Paralyzing Blow 3s Blacksmithy
Skinning Knife.png Skinning Knives 9 - 11 Shadowstrike Disarm 2.25s Tinkering
Viking Sword.png Viking Swords 15 - 17 Crushing Blow Paralyzing Blow 3.75s Blacksmithy
Wakizashi.png Wakizashi 11 - 13 Frenzied Whirlwind Double Strike 2.5s Blacksmithy

Two Handed

Type Base
Axe.png Axes 14 - 16 Crushing Blow Dismount 3s Blacksmithy
Bardiche.png Bardiches 17 - 18 Paralyzing Blow Dismount 3.75s Blacksmithy
Battle Axe.png Battle Axes 15 - 17 Bleed Attack Concussion Blow 3.5s Blacksmithy
Bladed Staff.png Bladed Staves 14 - 16 Armor Ignore Dismount 3s Blacksmithy
Crescent Blade.png Crescent Blades 11 - 14 Double Strike Mortal Strike 2.5s Blacksmithy
Daisho.png Daisho 13 - 15 Feint Double Strike 2.75s Blacksmithy
Double Axe.png Double Axes 15 - 17 Double Strike Whirlwind Attack 3.25s Blacksmithy
Executioner's Axe.png Executioner's Axes 15 - 17 Bleed Attack Mortal Strike 3.25s Blacksmithy
Halberd.png Halberds 18 - 19 Whirlwind Attack Concussion Blow 4.25s Blacksmithy
Hatchet.png Hatchets 13 - 15 Armor Ignore Disarm 2.75s Tinkering
Large Battle Axe.png Large Battle Axes 16 - 17 Whirlwind Attack Bleed Attack 3.75s Blacksmithy
No-Dachi.png No-Dachi 16 - 18 Crushing Blow Riding Swipe 3.5s Blacksmithy
Ornate Axe.png Ornate Axes 18 - 20 Disarm Crushing Blow 3.5s Blacksmithy
Paladin Sword.png Paladin Swords 20 - 24 Whirlwind Attack Disarm 5s Uncraftable
Rune Blade.png Rune Blades 15 - 17 Disarm Bladeweave 3s Blacksmithy
Scythe.png Scythes 15 - 18 Bleed Attack Paralyzing Blow 3.5s Blacksmithy
Two Handed Axe.png Two Handed Axes 16 - 17 Double Strike Shadowstrike 3.5s Blacksmithy

See Also