Aernya the Mistress of Admissions
Found in the city of Umbra
Aernya Mistress of Admissions is found outside the Umbra Bloodletter. This quest will gain you entrance to Bedlam in order to talk to the NPC there and retrieve certain items.
Step 1: Start the quest by talking to the NPC Aernya in Umbra:
Quest Title | Details | Reward |
Mistaken Identity | Deliver 1 Tuition Reimbursement Form to Gorrow the Mayor in Luna | Tuition Reimbursement |
Step 2: Talk to Gorrow the Mayor near Luna Bank, he will set you on your next quest:
Quest Title | Details | Reward |
You Scratch My Back | ![]() ![]() ![]() Obtain 1 Unicorn Rib, 2 Ki-Rin Brains and 5 Pixie Legs |
Signed Tuition Reimbursement Form |
Pixies and Unicorns can be found between the flowstone and the shrine of spirituality in Ilshenar:
Pixies, Unicorns and ki-rins can be found at the Grimswind Ruins in Malas:
Step 3: Return to Aernya with the Signed Tuition Reimbursement Form. You will need to get another signature:
Quest Title | Details | Reward |
Not Quite That Easy | Obtain 1 Signed Tuition Reimbursement Form to Master Gnosos the Necromancer in Bedlam | Tuition Reimbursement |
Enter Bedlam by double clicking the iron maiden. The iron maiden is found in the bloodletter building:
Master Gnosos the Necromancer is found inside Bedlam:
Step 4: Once you find Master Gnosos the Necromancer, he will ask you to complete the following quest:
Quest Title | Details | Reward |
Convince Me | Slay 1 Red Death, 8 Gore Fiends and 8 Rotting Corpses in Bedlam | Tuition Reimbursement - Return to Master Gnosos the Necromancer |
Step 5: Once You kill the Monsters Return to Master Gnosos the Necromancer.
Quest Title | Details | Reward |
Tuition Reimbursement | Signs the Tuition Reimbursement and return to Aernya the Mistress of Admissions | Signed Tuition Reimbursement |
Step 6: Once you return to Return to Aernya the Mistress of Admissions
Quest Title | Details | Reward |
Tuition Reimbursement | Talk to Aernya | A stongbox |