Lobster Fishing
Lobster Fishing is introduced with the Adventures on the High Seas booster pack. A Lobster Trap is needed which can be bought from the crab fisher Npcs. Targeting the trap to a nearby location at the water will set the trap. The trap shouldnt be too far away:
- The trap is too cumbersome to deploy that far away.
or too close to other traps:
- This location is too close to another trap.
After about 60 seconds, the trap will either be destroyed or indicate that something is caught by: **bob**
The number of **bob** lines indicates the number of the caught lobsters and crabs. Each lobster trap can catch up to three crabs and/or lobsters at once. Possible types are:
You can remove the caught lobsters from the full lobster trap by double clicking it:
- You remove lobster from the trap and put it in your pack.
Note that only the owner of the trap can remove the contents in Trammel.