Umbria's Grimoire
Revision as of 14:51, 22 December 2023 by Dapeekas (Talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Infobox item |image= |name= Umbria's Grimoire |defensechanceincrease=10 |spelldamageincrease=30 |fastercastrecovery=2 |lowermanacost=5 |spells=64 }} '''Umbria's Grimoire''...")
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Umbria's Grimoire |
Defense Chance Increase 10% |
Faster Cast Recovery 2 |
Spell Damage Increase 30% |
Lower Mana Cost 5% |
64 Spells |
Umbria's Grimoire is a Necromancy Spellbook that was a reward during the Treasures of the Undead Lords event. It cost 250 points