Client Patch 1.26.4i

This patch was for the Classic Client.


  • Date: March 16, 2000
  • Size: 583,333 bytes
  • Notes: Two undocumented patches were released in the hours following the release of 1.26.4i to fix minor issues with this patch: 1.26.4ib and 1.26.4ic.

Patch Notes

We will be releasing a client patch today at approximately 7:00PM CST. This patch includes several changes necessary to accommodate UO: Renaissance features - however, many of these changes will not be active until their respective features are released to the game servers. These changes include:

  • Localization files for additional language support
  • The Party System interface. This will not be active, but you may preview the interface by clicking on the new scroll appearing in your paperdoll.
  • Additional support for seasonal weather.

This patch also includes a variety of changes that will be immediately accessible, including some of the following:

New Menu and Macro Options

  • Dark nights. You may now select the "darkness" level of your in-game night by using this menu option.
  • Party System Hue. Allows customization of party system text.(Not active)
  • Colored lighting. Allows you to toggle colored lighting on and off.
  • Always Run. When selected, your character will always run, rather than walk.
  • Save Desktop. When activated, this macro will save all window layout locations immediately.
  • KillGumpOpen: When activated, this macro will stop the client from opening container windows on initial login.
  • WresStun: Will toggle your character in and out of stun wrestling mode. (Not active)
  • WresDisarm: Will toggle your character in and out of disarm wrestling mode. (Not active)

UO.CFG Options (Not Active)

  • Desolation = On/Off: Will allow you to alter the look of Felucca as preferred.
  • TreeCanopies = On/Off: Only valid on Felucca, this option allows you to choose to view treetops.

Additionally, the client animation rate and refresh rate have been optimized for improved performance.

If you have any difficulty receiving this patch, please check the following:

  • Check the "Patch" directory within your Ultima Online directory (the default location is C:\\Program Files\Ultima Online\Patch). This directory should be empty. Any files in this directory should be deleted.
  • If you are unable to connect to the patch server at all, and are using an original (Non-T2A) version of Ultima Online, you may need to update your verinfo file. For details on updating this file, please see the information posted at
  • Run a virus scan on your computer. Undetected viruses may cause conflicts with patching Ultima Online.

If after trying the above, you are still experiencing difficulty patching the Ultima Online client, please contact Technical Support at

See Also