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Althara the Scribe
Althara can be found in the Lyceaeum on Moonglow Isle. She is in the back east study hall (Coordinates: 59o 14'N 149o 8'W).
- Olivia - She sent you to me? Did she give you something for me to look at?
- Aileen - I'm afraid I know no more than you about her.
- Francesco - Lord Francesco is... errrr... was the Royal Treasurer. May he rest in peace.
- Avery - He was always a very loyal and brave soldier. He was usually escorting Lord Francesco.
- Parchment - I can read or transcribe any document you have. Simply show it to me.
- *Handing Soggy Parchment* - I rather not know how it came to be in this state. Here's a clean transcription of the message.
A brown book is placed in your backpack.
Transcribed Message
- Milord Francesco,
- I have strong reasons to believe that you and the entire Council are in grave danger. Avoid tonight's Council meeting if at all possible or shorten it and come meet me at once. I have fled the Castle with Sherry, as both our lives have also been threatened.
- I beg you to hastily come to my Trinsic residence. I will tell you more. Do not speak of this to anyone. There are traitors within the Castle walls.
- Sincerely,
- Lady Aileen
The message directs your investigation to the city of Trinsic. You will find Aileen's residence at Red's Curious Goods in the southwest corner of the city near the secondary bank.