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Atlantic:Britannian War Council Founding Meeting Transcript

Luker: Please no casting during the meeting let her speak now
: Luker says Please no casting during the meeting let her speak now
Tyrion: allright
: Tyrion says allright
Tyrion: didn't know it started
: Tyrion says didn't know it started
: Melchert says please sit
Anneliese: thank you
: Anneliese says thank you
: Yarp says to the roof
Olos: I believe it is about to start
: Olos says I believe it is about to start
Celestra: the reasons
: Celestra says the reasons
Olos: Hail Sheradon
: Olos says Hail Sheradon
Luker: You have hidden yourself well.
Celestra: that we're here
: Celestra says that we're here
Celestra: are all different
: Celestra says are all different
Tyrion: Blanche?
: Tyrion says Blanche?
: Melchert says hello sheradon
Celestra: some wish to see
: Celestra says some wish to see
You see: Shadow
Yarp: [Messenger, DA, LOA]
You see: Yarp
Brimstone: [, LOA]
You see: Brimstone
Andrasta: [Queen of Dalriada, TK]
You see: Andrasta
MIner: [Guild Miner, BRC]
You see: MIner
CoolWhip: [Guild Gater, UFE]
You see: CoolWhip
Skippy: [Smoke Knight, RPI]
You see: Skippy
abe: (tame)
You see: abe
sir Drunkalot: [Arch Knight, PT]
You see: sir Drunkalot
Hamlet: [Warrior Of Virtue, L0L]
You see: Hamlet
Sobe is Good: [Smoke Knight, RPI]
You see: Sobe is Good
Celestra: [Grand-Master, OAG]
You see: Celestra
Voivod III: [Warrior of Ice, G*B]
You see: Voivod III
Melchert: [Follower, PXR]
You see: Melchert
Olos: [Initiate, PXR]
You see: Olos
Gailan: [Squire, L-V]
You see: Gailan
You see: Omniscient
You see: Caine
Thorndyke: [EoV]
You see: Thorndyke
Pointblank: [Executive Magistrate, G/D]
You see: Pointblank
You see: William the Wise
Hawk: [Shadow Ranger, GM, DAS]
You see: Hawk
Kinja: [Dark Sorcerer, GC, DAS]
You see: Kinja
Lone Wolf: [Smoke King, RPI]
You see: Lone Wolf
Aleph Aeirs: [Guildmaster, SST]
You see: Aleph Aeirs
You see: Tucco
Rahvin: [Kashik, TME]
You see: Rahvin
Felica: [Fire Bishop, RPI]
You see: Felica
Dimentia: [Shadow of the Realm, LoS]
You see: Dimentia
Throckmortonloki: [-Bahadur-, TME]
You see: Throckmortonloki
Blanche Barton: [Priestess, Lords of Retribution]
You see: Blanche Barton
Gromph: [The Shadow Dragon GM, SDG]
You see: Gromph
hoogie: [Fire Knight, RPI]
You see: hoogie
Morning Star: [Queen, Lords of Retribution]
You see: Morning Star
Tyrion: [Paladin, Lords of Retribution]
You see: Tyrion
Elbereth: [The Blades Edge, B*B]
You see: Elbereth
sengir: [Ruff Ryder, AOC]
You see: sengir
SparrowHawk: [Scholar, TK]
You see: SparrowHawk
DragonHeart: [Scholar, TK]
You see: DragonHeart
Kelvin: [Captain, L-V]
You see: Kelvin
Alannon: [High Druid, GOP]
You see: Alannon
Ebon Praetor: [King of Dalriada, TK]
You see: Ebon Praetor
Brimstone: [GOP]
You see: Brimstone
Anneliese: [Squire, Clan Moor]
You see: Anneliese
Orion: [Stone Dragon, OMD]
You see: Orion
WraithII: (tame)
You see: WraithII
Dayel Stormcrow: [Marshal of Eldanor, D*E]
You see: Dayel Stormcrow
Sheradon: [Initiate, Clan Moor]
You see: Sheradon
You see: Kane (invulnerable)
You see: Jolene (invulnerable)
Celestra: then end
: Celestra says then end
Celestra: of pks
: Celestra says of pks
Celestra: others wish to rp with inteligent evils
: Celestra says others wish to rp with inteligent evils
Hamlet: may i sit here?
: Hamlet says may i sit here?
Celestra: and others wish to add
: Celestra says and others wish to add
Celestra: to their enjoyment
: Celestra says to their enjoyment
: CoolWhip says thank u
Celestra: of this world
: Celestra says of this world
Hamlet: oops osmeone hiding
: Hamlet says oops osmeone hiding
Elbereth: :)
: Elbereth says :)
: MIner says hehe heard fighting making sure he not dead
Hamlet: [Warrior Of Virtue, L0L]
You see: Hamlet
Celestra: I'm hoping that together we can
: Celestra says I'm hoping that together we can
Celestra: accomplish all these
: Celestra says accomplish all these
Celestra: things
: Celestra says things
Brimstone: Anyone getting screenshots?
: Brimstone says Anyone getting screenshots?
Celestra: I have rpopsed the Britannian War Council
: Celestra says I have rpopsed the Britannian War Council
Celestra: the idea is to have
: Celestra says the idea is to have
Celestra: an organisation
: Celestra says an organisation
: Olos says Melchert....
Celestra: where we can all get together
: Celestra says where we can all get together
Celestra: and defend our common iterests
: Celestra says and defend our common iterests
: Sobe is Good says here here
: Celestra says be they defending our homes and lands
Celestra: great quests
: Celestra says great quests
Celestra: or attacking those enemies that
: Celestra says or attacking those enemies that
Celestra: have no sense
: Celestra says have no sense
Celestra: of good or evil
: Celestra says of good or evil
Celestra: that enjoy torturing the innocent
: Celestra says that enjoy torturing the innocent
Celestra: and causing pain
: Celestra says and causing pain
Celestra: to all
: Celestra says to all
Being perfectly rested, you shove Morning Star out of the way.
Celestra: I have written
: Celestra says I have written
Luker: You have hidden yourself well.
Celestra: 8 precepts
: Celestra says 8 precepts
Celestra: for the council
: Celestra says for the council
Celestra: the idea is not to get involved
: Celestra says the idea is not to get involved
Celestra: in interanl guild affairs
: Celestra says in interanl guild affairs
Celestra: You can run your guilds as you like
: Celestra says You can run your guilds as you like
: Celestra says but when we are working together
Celestra: there are certain principles
: Celestra says there are certain principles
Celestra: we will need
: Celestra says we will need
Celestra: to agree on
: Celestra says to agree on
Celestra: Any Questions so far, Say ? if so
: Celestra says Any Questions so far, Say ? if so
Brimstone: Celestra, your plan sounds wonderful.
: Brimstone says Celestra, your plan sounds wonderful.
Hamlet: ?
: Hamlet says ?
: Sheradon says Vendor sell
Morning Star: Will we get OSI involved in the Quests?
: Morning Star says Will we get OSI involved in the Quests?
You see: a stone wall
Celestra: Hamlet please speak
: Celestra says Hamlet please speak
: Sheradon says :RAising hand
Brimstone: If you would like any out of game support, let me (LOA) know.
: Brimstone says If you would like any out of game support, let me (LOA) know.
Hamlet: Is it true you have denied LOA permission to come??
: Hamlet says Is it true you have denied LOA permission to come??
MIner: Kal Ort Por
: MIner says Kal Ort Por
Hamlet: [Warrior Of Virtue, L0L]
You see: Hamlet
Celestra: no
: Celestra says no
Celestra: thant's not true
: Celestra says thant's not true
Celestra: in fact I beleive
: Celestra says in fact I beleive
Brimstone: hehehe
: Brimstone says hehehe
Celestra: LOA is or was
: Celestra says LOA is or was
Celestra: supposed to be here
: Celestra says supposed to be here
Brimstone: That man is funny. :)
: Brimstone says That man is funny. :)
Yarp: aye
: Yarp says aye
Dimentia: i've seen a few LOA here already
: Dimentia says i've seen a few LOA here already
Yarp: LOA are represented
: Yarp says LOA are represented
Dimentia: [Shadow of the Realm, LoS]
You see: Dimentia
MIner: Rel Por
: MIner says Rel Por
Hamlet: i thought so
: Hamlet says i thought so
Gailan: Mistress Celestra could you pls lighten the blue
: Gailan says Mistress Celestra could you pls lighten the blue
Throckmortonloki: Loa formaerly occupied this seat yes.
: Throckmortonloki says Loa formaerly occupied this seat yes.
Hamlet: Brimestone we must speak after
: Hamlet says Brimestone we must speak after
: MIner says thanks
Celestra: Any other Questions Say ? if so
: Celestra says Any other Questions Say ? if so
: Hagbard Celine says np
Carak Gurth: ;]
: Carak Gurth says ;]
Olos: *Raise's Hand*
Morning Star: Celestra wil OSI get involved in the Quests?
: Morning Star says Celestra wil OSI get involved in the Quests?
Brimstone: ?
: Brimstone says ?
Celestra: Olos
: Celestra says Olos
: Sheradon says Will we give ourself
Morning Star: Or will you attempt to get them inolved is the question
: Morning Star says Or will you attempt to get them inolved is the question
Celestra: I do not know
: Celestra says I do not know
Olos: There is a murder red outside
: Olos says There is a murder red outside
: Olos says Equinox
Celestra: OSI is sometimes lazy
: Celestra says OSI is sometimes lazy
Luker: I know
: Luker says I know
Celestra: and sometimes they do
: Celestra says and sometimes they do
: Sheradon says a defenition of Evil and PK
Celestra: mirtacles
: Celestra says mirtacles
: Sheradon says before going on
Luker: OSI is in development of the evil good system
: Luker says OSI is in development of the evil good system
: MIner says Kal Ort Por
Celestra: yes Sheradon?
: Celestra says yes Sheradon?
: MIner says Kal Ort Por
Luker: You have hidden yourself well.
: Sheradon says I think
: Sheradon says We need a good
: Sheradon says defenition of Good PK and anti PK
Celestra: ok
: Celestra says ok
Celestra: I agree
: Celestra says I agree
Omniscient: true
: Omniscient says true
: Melchert says I agree
Yarp: ?
: Yarp says ?
Celestra: A good pk, is soneone
: Celestra says A good pk, is soneone
Celestra: that has fought for his lands, the life or another
: Celestra says that has fought for his lands, the life or another
Celestra: or his honor
: Celestra says or his honor
Celestra: and is now punished by the
: Celestra says and is now punished by the
Celestra: the laws of killing
: Celestra says the laws of killing
Celestra: A evil
: Celestra says A evil
Celestra: is soneone who might
: Celestra says is soneone who might
Celestra: or might not pk
: Celestra says or might not pk
: Olos says How about those that strike down other's for just their mere word's?
Celestra: but has greater motives
: Celestra says but has greater motives
Celestra: than ruining everyones
: Celestra says than ruining everyones
Celestra: life
: Celestra says life
Celestra: many evils
: Celestra says many evils
Celestra: do not pk
: Celestra says do not pk
Celestra: at all
: Celestra says at all
Dimentia: dear god.. the lag!
Luker: indeed
: Luker says indeed
Celestra: And the PK
: Celestra says And the PK
Celestra: as we usually undertstand it
: Celestra says as we usually undertstand it
Celestra: is 99%
: Celestra says is 99%
Celestra: of reds
: Celestra says of reds
Luker: player killers are all that kill other players
: Luker says player killers are all that kill other players
Celestra: who run around
: Celestra says who run around
Celestra: killing
: Celestra says killing
Celestra: because they get
: Celestra says because they get
Celestra: somekind of high
: Celestra says somekind of high
Celestra: or challennge
: Celestra says or challennge
Luker: anti-pks fight against the pks who ruin innocents lives
: Luker says anti-pks fight against the pks who ruin innocents lives
Celestra: out of it
: Celestra says out of it
Alannon: Quake on UO
: Alannon says Quake on UO
Luker: but the death penalty
: Luker says but the death penalty
Brimstone: ??? (Idea) ???
: Brimstone says ??? (Idea) ???
Celestra: We are not
: Celestra says We are not
Celestra: going to stop
: Celestra says going to stop
Luker: is an important decision to not take lightly
: Luker says is an important decision to not take lightly
Celestra: anti-reds
: Celestra says anti-reds
Celestra: or anti-pks
: Celestra says or anti-pks
Blanche Barton: Ma'am
: Blanche Barton says Ma'am
Celestra: that if your internal buisness
: Celestra says that if your internal buisness
Celestra: we will be
: Celestra says we will be
Celestra: anti-pk
: Celestra says anti-pk
Luker: taking another's life should only be done in extreme curcumstances
: Luker says taking another's life should only be done in extreme curcumstances
Celestra: in the treaditionnal
: Celestra says in the treaditionnal
Luker: that is anti-pk
: Luker says that is anti-pk
Celestra: sense
: Celestra says sense
Celestra: that we hunt down
: Celestra says that we hunt down
Celestra: murderers
: Celestra says murderers
Celestra: and organised
: Celestra says and organised
Celestra: clans of murderers
: Celestra says clans of murderers
Luker: also noto-pkers we should hunt
: Luker says also noto-pkers we should hunt
Luker: and blue pks
: Luker says and blue pks
SparrowHawk: Aye
: SparrowHawk says Aye
: Olos says Evil beget's Evil....
Alannon: blue pks are hard to find now
: Alannon says blue pks are hard to find now
Brimstone: I have a proposal to make... :)
: Brimstone says I have a proposal to make... :)
Luker: well
: Luker says well
: Aleph Aeirs says Lady Celestra, this is all very interesting...but what are the 8 precepts you speak of?
Luker: they generally attack
: Luker says they generally attack
: DragonHeart says Noto's aren't
SparrowHawk: ?
: SparrowHawk says ?
Luker: then you know them
: Luker says then you know them
Alannon: all they do is provoke you to go grey
: Alannon says all they do is provoke you to go grey
Celestra: I give them
: Celestra says I give them
Dimentia: sorry
Celestra: now
: Celestra says now
Luker: and we have been keeping track
: Luker says and we have been keeping track
Omniscient: i agree that we should hunt pk down no mater what the color
: Omniscient says i agree that we should hunt pk down no mater what the color
Rahvin: only because they've become looters
: Rahvin says only because they've become looters
Celestra: Quiet please
: Celestra says Quiet please
Celestra: until I have read them
: Celestra says until I have read them
Tyrion: hehe
: Tyrion says hehe
Luker: You have hidden yourself well.
Celestra: 1 - The britannian War Council
: Celestra says 1 - The britannian War Council
Celestra: is devoted to fighting evil in or land, in all forms
: Celestra says is devoted to fighting evil in or land, in all forms
: says :)
Celestra: 2 - The BWC has NO authority
: Celestra says 2 - The BWC has NO authority
Omniscient: :)
: Omniscient says :)
Tyrion: ?
: Tyrion says ?
Dimentia: stop smiling
: Dimentia says stop smiling
Celestra: over the internal affairs of it's members
: Celestra says over the internal affairs of it's members
Tyrion: nm
: Tyrion says nm
Celestra: 3 - The BWC does not get involved
: Celestra says 3 - The BWC does not get involved
: Shadow says how you plan on hunting down ?
Celestra: in agreed upon guild wars
: Celestra says in agreed upon guild wars
Celestra: if neither guild
: Celestra says if neither guild
Celestra: is fighting for evil
: Celestra says is fighting for evil
Celestra: 4 - Members shall not induldge
: Celestra says 4 - Members shall not induldge
Celestra: in their wars
: Celestra says in their wars
Celestra: between each other
: Celestra says between each other
Celestra: whilst at the meeting palce
: Celestra says whilst at the meeting palce
Celestra: of the Britannian War Council
: Celestra says of the Britannian War Council
Celestra: Guilds that support or are involved in
: Celestra says Guilds that support or are involved in
Celestra: the murder or innocents
: Celestra says the murder or innocents
Celestra: that are blue
: Celestra says that are blue
Celestra: will be conscidered evil
: Celestra says will be conscidered evil
Celestra: and ejected from the council
: Celestra says and ejected from the council
Celestra: ^ -
: Celestra says ^ -
Celestra: Members are free
: Celestra says Members are free
Celestra: to participate or not
: Celestra says to participate or not
Celestra: in military campaings
: Celestra says in military campaings
Celestra: endorsed by the war coucil
: Celestra says endorsed by the war coucil
: says laggy tower
: says =P
: says yep
: says hehe
Celestra: 7 -0 Heroes are encouraged and supported
: Celestra says 7 -0 Heroes are encouraged and supported
: Celestra says Evils will not be tolerated unless they have abandonned their was
: Sir Kane says ?
Celestra: of killing hweroes
: Celestra says of killing hweroes
You see: a stone wall
: says thank you
Celestra: ways of kiling heroes
: Celestra says ways of kiling heroes
: says :)
Celestra: 8- No memebr
: Celestra says 8- No memebr
Celestra: should use the War Coucl
: Celestra says should use the War Coucl
Celestra: as a threat
: Celestra says as a threat
Celestra: to another guild
: Celestra says to another guild
Elbereth: Rel Por
: Elbereth says Rel Por
Celestra: unless they are clearly
: Celestra says unless they are clearly
Celestra: pks
: Celestra says pks
Celestra: or evil
: Celestra says or evil
: says ill notify you if i find anyone
Blanche Barton: What abour Chaos?
: Blanche Barton says What abour Chaos?
: says hey
: says well old man
: says :)
: says =)
: Shadow says aye
: says haha
: Hagbard Celine says aye
Celestra: one secnd
: Celestra says one secnd
Celestra: while
: Celestra says while
: says iM here for meeting
Celestra: I fix something
: Celestra says I fix something
: says im guard
: says =P
: says you too
: says :)
: says ok
: says hehe
: says ill see you in a little bro
Celestra: Sorry, I had to put away
: Celestra says Sorry, I had to put away
: says Hail
Celestra: my notes
: Celestra says my notes
: says tehy dont want me up ther ei think
: says hehe
: says haha
: says ok
Celestra: ok if any one has a question
: Celestra says ok if any one has a question
Celestra: say ?
: Celestra says say ?
: Orion says how will decisions be made by the council?
Brimstone: ??
: Brimstone says ??
Celestra: please do not speak
: Celestra says please do not speak
Luker: ?
: Luker says ?
: says cya then
Blanche Barton: ?
: Blanche Barton says ?
: says adios
Celestra: until spoken to
: Celestra says until spoken to
: Sheradon says Pls
: Orion says ?
: Anselm Mysticus says stuck chase
Celestra: First Luker
: Celestra says First Luker
: Aleph Aeirs says ?
: Anselm Mysticus says can you guard my friend
: says In Jux Sanct
: Lone Wolf says ?
Luker: First I want to comment that I think all the rules sound fair
: Luker says First I want to comment that I think all the rules sound fair
: Anselm Mysticus says :)
: Anselm Mysticus says while your at it
: says have fun
: says =P
: Knightingale says :)
: Knightingale says thank you
Luker: and that imho chaos and order are not good vs. evil they are lawless or law
: Luker says and that imho chaos and order are not good vs. evil they are lawless or law
Luker: and I would like to ask who will make policy for the council?
: Luker says and I would like to ask who will make policy for the council?
Luker: Who is a member of the council?
: Luker says Who is a member of the council?
Alannon: PKers are in Order as much as Chaos now
: Alannon says PKers are in Order as much as Chaos now
Luker: And how will they vote on items?
: Luker says And how will they vote on items?
: Sir Kane says aye
: says An Lor Xen
Luker: You have hidden yourself well.
Brimstone: aI have a suggestion for that.
: Brimstone says aI have a suggestion for that.
Celestra: At eh end
: Celestra says At eh end
Celestra: At the end
: Celestra says At the end
Celestra: of the meeting
: Celestra says of the meeting
Celestra: all guild masters
: Celestra says all guild masters
Celestra: will be asked
: Celestra says will be asked
Celestra: to conscider
: Celestra says to conscider
Celestra: if they desire
: Celestra says if they desire
Celestra: member ship ofr not
: Celestra says member ship ofr not
Celestra: if so
: Celestra says if so
: Sheradon says Raising Hand
Celestra: then they are members
: Celestra says then they are members
Luker: thanks
: Luker says thanks
Celestra: Sheardon
: Celestra says Sheardon
Luker: You have hidden yourself well.
Brimstone: Perhaps allow 'x' # of members from each guild to have a seat on the council?
: Brimstone says Perhaps allow 'x' # of members from each guild to have a seat on the council?
Blanche Barton: ?
: Blanche Barton says ?
: Lone Wolf says ?
: Sheradon says I would like to understand better
: Sheradon says the definition of Military
: Sheradon says compain
Hamlet: i agree with Brimstone
: Hamlet says i agree with Brimstone
: Sheradon says Will the council
Sheradon: Support peace or Enforce it
: Sheradon says Support peace or Enforce it
Melchert: i agree with Brmstone as well
: Melchert says i agree with Brmstone as well
Thorndyke: Kal Ort Por
: Thorndyke says Kal Ort Por
Celestra: Unfortunatly, we will enforce it
: Celestra says Unfortunatly, we will enforce it
: Melchert says I say only one member from each guild
Dimentia: i have a question once everyone else i done...
: Dimentia says i have a question once everyone else i done...
Luker: hooray
: Luker says hooray
: William the Wise says :)
Celestra: the council itself
: Celestra says the council itself
: Olos says Aye...Aye
Celestra: has no military
: Celestra says has no military
Tyrion: Morn
: Tyrion says Morn
Celestra: it's the armies of it's members
: Celestra says it's the armies of it's members
Celestra: that make up
: Celestra says that make up
Tyrion: need a gate?
: Tyrion says need a gate?
Celestra: it's army
: Celestra says it's army
Morning Star: The number of players present is en; yes please
: Morning Star says The number of players present is en; yes please
Celestra: Brimestone
: Celestra says Brimestone
Luker: Well our alliance has many a good warrior who pledge their support!
: Luker says Well our alliance has many a good warrior who pledge their support!
Celestra: You had a question
: Celestra says You had a question
Luker: You have hidden yourself well.
Tyrion: Vas Rel Por
: Tyrion says Vas Rel Por
Yarp: ??
: Yarp says ??
Tyrion: [Paladin, Lords of Retribution]
You see: Tyrion
Tyrion: ...
: Tyrion says ...
Brimstone: Yes, you should consider a Rune Exchange Program between Council/Guilds.
: Brimstone says Yes, you should consider a Rune Exchange Program between Council/Guilds.
sengir: *raises hand*
Gailan: -?
: Gailan says -?
Celestra: I agree
: Celestra says I agree
Celestra: we need to be able
: Celestra says we need to be able
Brimstone: Runes that are shared/locked down in various public places around the shard.
: Brimstone says Runes that are shared/locked down in various public places around the shard.
Celestra: to reach each other
: Celestra says to reach each other
Celestra: quickly
: Celestra says quickly
Morning Star: Kal Ort Por
: Morning Star says Kal Ort Por
: Sir Kane says hail M'lord
Celestra: if were going to aid
: Celestra says if were going to aid
Celestra: in defense
: Celestra says in defense
Celestra: of our homes
: Celestra says of our homes
: Carak Gurth says i agree also
Celestra: Barton, you had a question?
: Celestra says Barton, you had a question?
Blanche Barton: Blanche please...yes.
: Blanche Barton says Blanche please...yes.
: Surak'nar says thnx
: Shadow says ?
Brimstone: Leiah's rune library, SCT, etc. Great places for runes to our trouble zones.
: Brimstone says Leiah's rune library, SCT, etc. Great places for runes to our trouble zones.
: Aleph Aeirs says ?
Blanche Barton: How does the BWC stand on Chaos/ORder guilds?
: Blanche Barton says How does the BWC stand on Chaos/ORder guilds?
Alannon: *raises hand*
Celestra: We do not get involved
: Celestra says We do not get involved
Celestra: in Chaos order
: Celestra says in Chaos order
: Trank says Leiah's library is my trouble zone
Celestra: for they are in theory
: Celestra says for they are in theory
Celestra: only differing
: Celestra says only differing
Celestra: phylosophies
: Celestra says phylosophies
: Aleph Aeirs says I would like to remind people that the BWC is still just a concept.
Tyrion: uh huh
: Tyrion says uh huh
Celestra: we do not get involved
: Celestra says we do not get involved
Alannon: *raises hand*
Celestra: between members
: Celestra says between members
Celestra: that indiulde
: Celestra says that indiulde
Celestra: i nthem
: Celestra says i nthem
: Sir Kane says um
Celestra: or beleive in them
: Celestra says or beleive in them
Luker: You have hidden yourself well.
Frodo Baggins: Rel Por
: Frodo Baggins says Rel Por
Blanche Barton: Alright, and how do you plan to enforce the peace?
: Blanche Barton says Alright, and how do you plan to enforce the peace?
: Sir Kane says guys
: Sir Kane says scoot down
: Sir Kane says and make room
: Gilbert says criss
Frodo Baggins: Rel Por
: Frodo Baggins says Rel Por
: Gilbert says quoi tu fait ?!
: Sir Kane says more people arte still coming
Celestra: PKs have had
: Celestra says PKs have had
Celestra: too easy a life
: Celestra says too easy a life
Celestra: and now
: Celestra says and now
Celestra: their organising a little more
: Celestra says their organising a little more
Celestra: than they used to
: Celestra says than they used to
Alannon: brim move
: Alannon says brim move
Brimstone: Cel - does the council wish to have a "Chatroom" in IRC?
: Brimstone says Cel - does the council wish to have a "Chatroom" in IRC?
Alannon: off me
: Alannon says off me
Celestra: actually making planned strikes
: Celestra says actually making planned strikes
Celestra: against cities
: Celestra says against cities
Celestra: and peoples
: Celestra says and peoples
sengir: *raises hand*
Tyrion: so...
: Tyrion says so...
Blanche Barton: One more Q
: Blanche Barton says One more Q
Alannon: *raises hand*
Tyrion: this is a war
: Tyrion says this is a war
Celestra: Thisis a war
Celestra: *nods*
Andrasta: *smiles*
Tyrion: when do we strike then
Tyrion: ?
Tyrion: and where?
Celestra: Aleph Aers
Brimstone: ?
Celestra: sorry
Blanche Barton: If a guild does not wish to participate, can individuals?
De Coursolle: Queen Andrasta Soory we are late
Gromph: *raises hand*
Celestra: yes
Celestra: individuals
Andrasta: thats ok
Celestra: can participate
Andrasta: :)
Alannon: *raises hand*
Celestra: if the guilds they belong to allow it
Dimentia: may guild may not be interested, but I am, most definatly!
Blanche Barton: Thanks
Gilbert: DC
Gilbert: take
De Coursolle: Sir Kane is in our guild
Gilbert: place
Celestra: I am in contact
Celestra: with Dark General Navrip
Celestra: the organiser of the hedge maze
Gilbert: ca bug
Celestra: he is organising no pk guild
Yarp: ??
Gilbert: icite
De Coursolle: mais en
sir Drunkalot: Kal Ort Por
Hamlet: haha
Celestra: he will add
Celestra: to our quests
Tyrion: evil guild though
Alannon: Navrip
Celestra: and ourt fight against evil
Tyrion: so I've heard
Celestra: on a rp basis
Gromph: Kal Ort Por
Tyrion: yup
Tyrion: RP
Celestra: Orion
Celestra: you had a question
Dimentia: why can i not hear anything?
Yarp: ?
Alannon: *raises hand*
Omniscient: same here
Melchert: we better move
sengir: *question*
Celestra: I plan on having a meeting once aweek, but
Celestra: know that members are not obliged to attend
Celestra: all meetings
Blanche Barton: I think your crystals may have run out of charges.
Dimentia: pardon...
Celestra: if they have nothing to add
Tyrion: hehe
Alannon: *raises hand*
sengir: *question*
Celestra: Sengir
Dimentia: pardon me...
Celestra: then Alannon
sengir: first i have a comment also
sengir: you said that pks have had it too easy
sengir: which i beleive to be the opposite
sengir: pks have people huntiong them constantly
sengir: and have osi against them
sengir: i am not supporting them
sengir: but i do bewleive that that statrment
Alannon: thats the way it is in real life
sengir: was incorect
Celestra: I agree
Alannon: murderers shoudl neve have it easy
Celestra: pks have it hard
Celestra: but I want osi to be less involved
Celestra: and us more
Celestra: pks can kill
Celestra: and then go socialise
Celestra: as long as they never
Celestra: take on
Celestra: too many kills
Luker: ?
sengir: also a question
sengir: can you defien an innocent blue?
Celestra: If their life was too hard
Brimstone: Murderers are rich from spilling your blood. They deserve nothing.
Celestra: they would stop
Celestra: attacking
Celestra: and piliging
Yarp: aye
Blanche Barton: Kal Ort Por
Alannon: well said Brimstone
Gailan: LOL
Tyrion: Vas Rel Por
Celestra: alannon
SparrowHawk: I agree
Alannon: I have a suggestion
Tyrion: doh
Alannon: we have runes
Celestra: You had a question
Brimstone: They cry often, but they have little to worry about with their fat bank accounts
Celestra: or statement
Alannon: to all guildhouses
Dimentia: i hate this lag
Tyrion: Rahvin
Alannon: and trouble zones
Alannon: in this tower
Tyrion: may I have a drake or 2?
Tyrion: I gotta go
Alannon: [High Druid, GOP]
You see: Alannon
Alannon: and we hand out
Throckmortonloki: rahv pass this
Alannon: runes or blank runes to here
Omniscient: sorry out
Alannon: at the end of this meeting
Tyrion: anyone?
Alannon: to be locked down
Alannon: niour guild houses
Tyrion: thanks
Tyrion: Kal Ort Por
Alannon: in case we ever have trouble
Dimentia: a suggestion... could we not finish this on the UO chat window?
Throckmortonloki: :)
Alannon: and need an immediate meeting
Rahvin: no prob
Dimentia: most of us can not hear a word...
Celestra: Friends are working
Yarp: aye
SparrowHawk: Being a murderer shouldI hear fine.
Brimstone: ? Celestra
Celestra: on a icq mailing list
Celestra: so we can contact
Chase Ironfist: [Lord Minwanabi, BWP]
You see: Chase Ironfist
Celestra: each otehr
Celestra: in need
Dimentia: [Shadow of the Realm, LoS]
You see: Dimentia
Celestra: but it has not been fully
Celestra: tested yet
Brimstone: Perhaps, initially, the BWC should set our sites collective at ONE zone.
Celestra: I do not want
Celestra: the War Council
Celestra: for spam
Brimstone: Just ONE. And make it safe for everyone.
Alannon: I agree
Nanoc: Kal Ort Por
Alannon: but have a heroes
Alannon: rune library here
Alannon: would be very useful
DragonHeart: ?
Kelvin: what type of zone?
Brimstone: Anything. Dungeon. Mines.
Brimstone: Name it.
Luker: One man's butcher is another's hero
Brimstone: We can pick a random one each week.
Andrasta: Kal Ort Por
Celestra: The problem there
Alannon: only for trouble spots, like covetous dungeon
Luker: we could focus on certain places every day
Celestra: is that pks tend
Rahvin: sort of what LOA is already doing eh?
Celestra: to move around alot
Kelvin: If we could secure the
Alannon: hedge maze etc
Brimstone: hehe
Luker: just post it on the board and go to it
Throckmortonloki: aye
Brimstone: Aye
Gailan: What about under Bucs Den
Alannon: then we change runes
Brimstone: Forum is great for taht.
Alannon: we need to stay up to date with them
Hamlet: Bucs Den isnt very busy
Alannon: to get them
Luker: we should have a 911 icq
Luker: if pks are spotted
Gailan: Under Bucs Den
Celestra: that's the idea
Alannon: Covetous
Hamlet: LOL does raids on it every few days
Celestra: a 911 icq
Alannon: Ice Island
Luker: we could make a list of icqs
Hamlet: we always find it empty
Luker: on a webpage
Frodo Baggins: *Stands beside Luker!*
Luker: you could go to
Celestra: I lost track
Kinja: Kal Ort Por
Celestra: of who had the next
Brimstone: An ICQ Domino Affect system? Interesting.
Celestra: question
You see: Frodo Baggins
DragonHeart: ?
Luker: shh
Kelvin: ah
Celestra: My apologies
Olos: Rel Por
Throckmortonloki: Could we spaek after the meeting? my icq is 8742053 Mr.Yuk
Chase Ironfist: Kal Ort Por
Luker: 12500219
Brimstone: 206317
Gilbert: ha non !
Celestra: Many have asked
Celestra: how close
Celestra: we are to Luker's alliance of Virtue
Anselm Mysticus: :)
Equinox: =)
Celestra: Luker's alliance is
Celestra: His support is appreciated
Celestra: and needed
Luker: We are an organization which supports this effort
Luker: but separate
Luker: I have posted about this on the BWC message board
Celestra: good
Sheradon: Raising Hand
Luker: :)
Alannon: anyone taking pics for stratics?
Luker: To save you time milady :)
Anselm Mysticus: thks
Equinox: np
Luker: I will have a pic
Sheradon: I would like to make a presision
Luker: in our news section
Alannon: alright good
Luker: of my website
Alannon: post it on stratics too
Carak Gurth: sister yell
Carak Gurth: ;]
Luker: soon which anyone can copy
Sheradon: Supporting Peace or Enforcing it
Alannon: if you can
Sheradon: Supporting does not mean not fighting
Gailan: Kal Ort Por
Gailan: I cannot recall from that object.
Gailan: Rel Por
Alannon: bye the way nice to meet you luker
Hamlet: Rel Por
Alannon: *shakes hand of Luker*
Anselm Mysticus: it ok
Sheradon: [Initiate, Clan Moor]
You see: Sheradon
Frodo Baggins: MOVE!
Anselm Mysticus: letting someone out
Luker: The precept
Gailan: this is bull
Carak Gurth: shhhh
Frodo Baggins: thank you
Sheradon: attacks
Hamlet: please do not yell at me
Frodo Baggins: sorry friend
Carak Gurth: recpect
Carak Gurth: plz
Luker: of saying that this council does not dictate guild policy
Hamlet: np
Sheradon: At Pk, guilds or memebers
Aleph Aeirs: ??
Luker: means that no one is forced
Alannon: Celestra?
Luker: to fight for the BWC
DragonHeart: she is speaking??
Luker: only those who wish to
Luker: we should not conscript
Alannon: not to fight for the Council
Carak Gurth: *pokes*
Alannon: for the people
Equinox: *grins*
Luker: well each guild
Sheradon: Sorry
Alannon: the Council is here for the people
Carak Gurth: u ok sis
Luker: will have to decide
Luker: how best to serve
Luker: some guilds might help to
Alannon: An Lor Xen
Luker: fill the warchests
Luker: for the warriors
Alannon: oh sorry
Alannon: thought you crashed
Alannon: Celestra
Luker: anyone who can fight should
Yarp: can someone reactivate the comm crystal?
Melchert: Kal Ort Por
Luker: but if thou'rt a craftsemen
Alannon: someone go buy gems
Alannon: for crystals
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Kelvin: they are charged
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Omniscient: give it a chance
Luker: i think the BWC should accept all good Britannians even if they are not in gui
Alannon: is Celestra speaking?
Kelvin: just not turned on?
Luker: guilds
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Luker: nay
Luker: she is not talking
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Alannon: too risky Luker
sengir: Rel Por
Kelvin: I c
Alannon: it can be a dummy character
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Luker: risky for whom?
Alannon: froma pker
Alannon: or evil
Alannon: [High Druid, GOP]
You see: Alannon
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Alannon: who is spyinjg
Alannon: spying
Luker: we know who our principles are
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Alannon: we need people
Luker: and we say nothing
Hamlet: anyone here may be a PK spy
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Luker: evil ears
Alannon: from honourable guilds
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Luker: wouldn't do well without
Alannon: if they are in a good guild
Luker: aye
Alannon: odds are
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Alannon: they are not
Shadow: for many of us
DragonHeart: l
Alannon: its phases them out
Luker: and if there is cause to think a guild is evil
Luker: then we should take the matter up
Lone Wolf: Sorry to ask this, m'lady, but is this going anywhere?
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Equinox: i gotta run
Alannon: she is lagging
Luker: She will be right back
Alannon: give her time
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Anselm Mysticus: ok bro
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Equinox: im gonna take one more look around
Shadow: we all i think
Luker: we are formulating discsussion now
DragonHeart: afk
sengir: scuse me
Equinox: farewell
Olos: Vas Rel Por
Frodo Baggins: *greets Luker!*
Alannon: parience everyone
Alannon: patience
Luker: Ok what is happening now
Omniscient: yes patience
Alannon: she is lagging
Luker: everyone with unicode on
Alannon: give her time
Luker: is hearing Celestra
Luker: and if you have unicode off
Alannon: she si speaking?
Luker: You are hearing me
Andrasta: no
Alannon: Luker
Luker: and a few others
Alannon: ok good
Luker: this is a bug i have seen
Alannon: shoudl i invis her?
Luker: in other in game meetings
Luker: no
Andrasta: someone ask if we need gems please
Alannon: An Lor Xen
Luker: she is answeing questions
: Luker says she is answeing questions
Alannon: we may
: Alannon says we may
Alannon: she is>?
: Alannon says she is>?
Luker: we cannot speak now
: Luker says we cannot speak now
Luker: it sucks
: Luker says it sucks
Alannon: ?
: Alannon says ?
Alannon: I cant hear her
: Alannon says I cant hear her
: Dimentia says better?
Andrasta: one is going
: Andrasta says one is going
Alannon: cananyone herar Celestra?
: Alannon says cananyone herar Celestra?
Anselm Mysticus: no
: Anselm Mysticus says no
: Sir Kane says i cant
: Celestra says You should be able
: Celestra says to hear me now
: Tucco says no
Yarp: ah
: Yarp says ah
Alannon: alright good
: Alannon says alright good
Luker: yes ok now
: Luker says yes ok now
: sengir says now i can hear celestra
: Tucco says ahh
: sengir says :-)
Alannon: much better
: Alannon says much better
: Dimentia says your welcome
Carak Gurth: ;]
: Carak Gurth says ;]
: Celestra says We will be setting up
Luker: Well anyhow
: Luker says Well anyhow
: Celestra says IRC
: Celestra says and icq
: Celestra says for the next meeting
: says this it =)
: SunWolf says hi
: says i'm lagged to hell
: Celestra says My icq is 27836048
Luker: I am not a big fan of irc but I will be happy to help on icq and www
: Luker says I am not a big fan of irc but I will be happy to help on icq and www
: Valek DarksBane says Hail
: Celestra says in case someone
: Celestra says didn't get it yet
: Valek DarksBane says Hail
Alannon: Good day Necromancer Therin
: Alannon says Good day Necromancer Therin
: Valek DarksBane says Hail
You see: Omniscient
: Hagbard Celine says so those of us who rp evil will not be ridden out of the land
: SunWolf says lein?
: SunWolf says hail
Luker: You have hidden yourself well.
: Celestra says no
: Celestra says infact
: Celestra says I want rp evils
: Celestra says to cantact me
: SunWolf says lein u ok?
: Celestra says with your needs
: Hagbard Celine says you need rp evils
: Celestra says We do
Alannon: Navrip will Roleplay
: Alannon says Navrip will Roleplay
: Celestra says or we would only have
: Celestra says stupid pks left
Alannon: as will others
: Alannon says as will others
: Celestra says and there's always a supply
: SunWolf says leinad
: Celestra says of them
: SunWolf says lol
: Shadow says aye
: Surak'nar says :)
: Sir Kane says there arent many good pkes left
: Hagbard Celine says aye
: SunWolf says u there
Anselm Mysticus: :)
: Anselm Mysticus says :)
: SunWolf says ?
: Aleph Aeirs says Celestra, I have a question.
Alannon: Pkers will come to the roleplaying events
: Alannon says Pkers will come to the roleplaying events
: MINOR says why are we talking thru comm crystals?
Alannon: and tryto spoil them
: Alannon says and tryto spoil them
: SunWolf says leinad
Rahvin: Kal Ort Por
: Rahvin says Kal Ort Por
: Celestra says please ask
: Sir Kane says D*C is already here
: Sir Kane says so beware
Luker: Comm crystals are needed due to how many of us there are
: Luker says Comm crystals are needed due to how many of us there are
Aleph Aeirs: Will participating guilds..
: Aleph Aeirs says Will participating guilds..
: Gilbert says fuck D*C
Throckmortonloki: OK buh-bye now!!
: Throckmortonloki says OK buh-bye now!!
Throckmortonloki: Kal Ort Por
: Throckmortonloki says Kal Ort Por
Aleph Aeirs: have a role in setting up policy for BWC?
: Aleph Aeirs says have a role in setting up policy for BWC?
: sengir says lol
: Surak'nar says I do not belive it is a secret organisation....
: Celestra says yes
Alannon: who are they?
: Alannon says who are they?
: Celestra says What I said
: Celestra says was a proposal
Luker: D*C is a player killing evil guild
: Luker says D*C is a player killing evil guild
: Sir Kane says D*C
Alannon: i have never heard of D*C
: Alannon says i have never heard of D*C
: MINOR says Comm Crystals are worthless here
: Sir Kane says a pk allaince
Luker: a part of the Dark Chaos Alliance
: Luker says a part of the Dark Chaos Alliance
Alannon: I see
: Alannon says I see
: Sir Kane says strong
Shadow: not all of us could hear it all
: Shadow says not all of us could hear it all
: Payden Fain says Jesus
Luker: they are our enemies
: Luker says they are our enemies
: Payden Fain says SO many
Alannon: what should we do then?
: Alannon says what should we do then?
: Celestra says It is posted on the message board
Payden Fain: Hey who said my name
: Payden Fain says Hey who said my name
Luker: role-playing enemies
: Luker says role-playing enemies
Luker: well if you see a D*C
: Luker says well if you see a D*C
Omniscient: true ours too
: Omniscient says true ours too
: Celestra says I will post it again
Carak Gurth: shhhhh one at a time
: Carak Gurth says shhhhh one at a time
Luker: killem
: Luker says killem
: Celestra says aty the top
Luker: You have hidden yourself well.
: Dimentia says i am willing to dedicate my HTLM chat to the BWC if needed...
: Celestra says Any other comments
: Celestra says questions?
: MINOR says Celestra please change your font color
: Aleph Aeirs says I agree with the proposal..but how do you see the guilds supporting
DragonHeart: ???
: DragonHeart says ???
: Aleph Aeirs says your vision?
: Celestra says first
: Payden Fain says This is crazy so many people heheh
Alannon: When will the next scheduled meeting be?
: Alannon says When will the next scheduled meeting be?
: Aleph Aeirs says In an advisory capacity, or a policy making capacity?
: Celestra says this meeting is just a question and coment sesion
: Celestra says next time
Alannon: [High Druid, GOP]
You see: Alannon
Hamlet: People please
: Hamlet says People please
: Celestra says member guilds
Hamlet: wait your turn to speak
: Hamlet says wait your turn to speak
Lews Therin : Vas Rel Por
: Lews Therin says Vas Rel Por
: Lews Therin says Let the gate to Hell open!
Lews Therin : Vas Rel Por
: Lews Therin says Vas Rel Por
: Lews Therin says Let the gate to Hell open!
: Hagbard Celine says ha
: Celestra says memebr guilds
: Celestra says will send
: Celestra says 1 representative
You see: Lews Therin
: Celestra says either ambassador, GM or military leader
Alannon: Therin you better not be doing what I think you are doing
: Alannon says Therin you better not be doing what I think you are doing
: MINOR says Celestra please change your font color, it's hard to read
Dayel Stormcrow: An Ort
: Dayel Stormcrow says An Ort
You see: Lews Therin
sengir: [Ruff Ryder, AOC]
You see: sengir
: Celestra says Any thing else?
: MINOR says it is open
: Skippy says Thy journal is a very useful tool.
: Payden Fain says Payden Fain Says HOLA :)
Andrasta: :)
: Andrasta says :)
Alannon: when will the first battle with Navrip be?
: Alannon says when will the first battle with Navrip be?
Brimstone: [GOP]
You see: Brimstone
: Dimentia says would everyone be so kind as to shut up and let her speak?
Alannon: we should try ot take the hedge maze
: Alannon says we should try ot take the hedge maze
Omniscient: the RIP
: Omniscient says the RIP
Andrasta: [Queen of Dalriada, TK]
You see: Andrasta
: Celestra says That I don't know
: Celestra says Evil rp guilds
: Celestra says are hard to set up
: Celestra says than good
Alannon: alright sorry for the interruption
: Alannon says alright sorry for the interruption
: Hagbard Celine says aye
Tucco: Rel Por
: Tucco says Rel Por
: Surak'nar says how will this organisation be governed?
: Kelvin says ?
DragonHeart: ???
: DragonHeart says ???
: Tucco says thx
Being perfectly rested, you shove something invisible out of the way.
Andrasta: ;)
: Andrasta says ;)
: Tucco says :]
: Celestra says one speaker
: Celestra says who dierects questions
: sengir says decoursolle
Frodo Baggins: ;
: Frodo Baggins says ;
Lews Therin : ThHey Alanon
: Lews Therin says ThHey Alanon
: Alannon says Smog the Necromancer
: sengir says de coursolle
: Celestra says and knows what's been agreed upon
Anneliese: [Squire, Clan Moor]
You see: Anneliese
: Alannon says brough tyour friends lews?
: De Coursolle says yes
: Celestra says with a council of members
Carak Gurth: Rel Por
: Carak Gurth says Rel Por
: Lews Therin says af ew
: sengir says i wish to talk to you
: Smogg Azalin says aye
: De Coursolle says Talk
: Alannon says party crashing?
: Celestra says the guilds that give members
: Lews Therin says gotta see what the competition is up to
Lone Wolf: [Smoke King, RPI]
You see: Lone Wolf
: Celestra says will need a minimum
: Celestra says amount
: Alannon says we will beat you therin
: Celestra says to vote
: sengir says you are gainst D*C, correct?
: Alannon says Necromancy ornot
: Valek DarksBane says Kal Ort Por
: Alannon says we will beat you
: Celestra says somewhere around 10
: De Coursolle says We are
: Celestra says most likely
: Surak'nar says I see
: DragonHeart says ?
: sengir says i hope we dont not meet on the battle feild then
: Celestra says Independant
: Celestra says warriors
: Celestra says can have a representative
Leinad Kilrathi: Rel Por
: Leinad Kilrathi says Rel Por
: Celestra says also
: sengir says i am friendly with anna, mutulator, and the gms of two of theri allies
: Celestra says if they can work together
: sengir says kalum horne of -X-
: sengir says and death of T4H
: Surak'nar says what about Guilds that are composed of 10 members?
: De Coursolle says Actualy we are second in their board to be destroy Milord
: Celestra says guild that do not have
: Hamlet says aye
: Celestra says 10 members
: sengir says i know
: Celestra says can either
: sengir says which is why
: sengir says i hope we dont meet
: Celestra says have one representative
: sengir says on the battle feild
: Celestra says for 2 or 3 guilds
: Buk says Kal In Ex
: Celestra says or I simply
: Celestra says follow the vote
: Dimitri says wow
: Dimitri says crazy ppl here
: Celestra says I ahve nothing against 3 guilds
: Celestra says of 4 people
: Celestra says agreeing on one
: Celestra says representative
: Surak'nar says umm...interesting yet it seams to favor only bigger guilds
Hawk: Kal Ort Por
: Hawk says Kal Ort Por
: Celestra says if the can
Celestra: the idea
: Celestra says the idea
: Celestra says is that if we let
: Celestra says every guild
: Lone Wolf says How will u enforce that rule?
: Hamlet says possibly, votes should be measured on amount of people in the guild
: Celestra says with only
: Celestra says 2 memebrs
: De Coursolle says Queen Andrata
: Celestra says a vote
: Celestra says then we might as well
: Dimitri says move
: Celestra says vote by individual
: DragonHeart says ?
: De Coursolle says Sengir to be exclude of house
: Lone Wolf says How will u enforce that rule?
: Celestra says LOA
: Celestra says with hundred
: De Coursolle says D*C
: Celestra says memebrs
: Celestra says has the same vote
: Celestra says as the guild
: Celestra says with 10
: Hamlet says my guild have 150
: Celestra says :)
sengir: [Ruff Ryder, AOC]
You see: sengir
: Hamlet says why should we only have one vote?
: Celestra says I do not see that
: De Coursolle says is down
Being perfectly rested, you shove Anneliese out of the way.
: Celestra says favoring
: Celestra says the large guilds
: Hamlet says we have 4 stones
: Alannon says that gives the larger guilds all the votes
Shadow: but your guild should think the same
: Shadow says but your guild should think the same
Luker: Yes it's like the UN
: Luker says Yes it's like the UN
Shadow: even with 100
: Shadow says even with 100
: Knightingale says Celestra
: Celestra says For instance
: Alannon says you are still the same guild
: Hagbard Celine says aye chaos in order
: Celestra says m yown guild
Luker: My guild has 6 stones and 30 allies
: Luker says My guild has 6 stones and 30 allies
: Knightingale says May i point out
: DragonHeart says ??
: Celestra says does not have a vote
: SparrowHawk says ?
: Knightingale says that in the US
: Hagbard Celine says i love it
Luker: The Syndicate LLTS is even our ally.
: Luker says The Syndicate LLTS is even our ally.
: Knightingale says their was a similiar problem
: Knightingale says with democracy
: Hamlet says no im saying the views of 100 and up is more powerful than just 10
Luker: And all I need is one vote here for all them.
: Luker says And all I need is one vote here for all them.
: Knightingale says with states and their popultions
: Knightingale says that is why
Being perfectly rested, you shove Pointblank out of the way.
: Alannon says Hamlet
: Knightingale says their is a Seante
: Alannon says the larger guilds
: Alannon says will over power
: Knightingale says with 2 votes for each state
: Alannon says the smaller ones
: Buk says lol these stones are annoying
: Alannon says they will have no vote
Luker: In fact i'd invite everyone here to also consider being our allies.
: Luker says In fact i'd invite everyone here to also consider being our allies.
: Alannon says it will becomea recruiting race
: Knightingale says and a House with Votes based on population
: Hamlet says anyone ever seen how a Parliment works?
: Knightingale says now you must decide
Luker: I have posted about this on the board for BWC as well.
: Luker says I have posted about this on the board for BWC as well.
: Leinad Kilrathi says turn the crystals off
: Alannon says move lews
: Hamlet says same way should me inforced here
: Knightingale says we all must decide
Being perfectly rested, you shove Monty Bream out of the way.
: DragonHeart says ???
: Alannon says over oen
: SparrowHawk says ??
: De Coursolle says he was here
: Knightingale says how complicated a system we are willing to bear
: Knightingale says to be fair
: Elbereth says What if you to give, say, 1 vote for every five people, rather than guild....
: Knightingale says or to have sometihng that will permit swift deciosns
Being perfectly rested, you shove Buk out of the way.
: Alannon says we cant get to complicated
Elbereth: then it doesn't matter whether the guild is small or large, and
: Elbereth says then it doesn't matter whether the guild is small or large, and
Knightingale: I merely ask you to consider these points
: Knightingale says I merely ask you to consider these points
: Yarp says Perhaps this is not the best forum to discuss the details.....
Surak'nar: exactly
: Surak'nar says exactly
: Hagbard Celine says aye chaos
: Alannon says simplicity is a very useful trait
Hagbard Celine: in order
: Hagbard Celine says in order
Celestra: Actually
: Celestra says Actually
Elbereth: the general response is bette3r gauged.
: Elbereth says the general response is bette3r gauged.
: Andrasta says please stay inside
Skippy: There's not enough of the right type of material on that.
: Skippy says There's not enough of the right type of material on that.
Knightingale: I prefer simplicity
: Knightingale says I prefer simplicity
: says we should hold a meeting
Celestra: I have to agree
: Celestra says I have to agree
Shadow: thank thee my lady
: Shadow says thank thee my lady
: Dayel Stormcrow says this is NOT the place to throw these ideas around...
Knightingale: and quick action
: Knightingale says and quick action
Alannon: as do I
: Alannon says as do I
Celestra: 1 - we need to talk about the details
: Celestra says 1 - we need to talk about the details
Yarp: Might I suggest a meeting...of 1 member per guild....
: Yarp says Might I suggest a meeting...of 1 member per guild....
Alannon: more orderly
: Alannon says more orderly
: says for evil
Alannon: faster
: Alannon says faster
Celestra: 2- thisis not
: Celestra says 2- thisis not
Luker: Indeed but this council will be able to act fast.
: Luker says Indeed but this council will be able to act fast.
Celestra: the best forum
: Celestra says the best forum
: Dayel Stormcrow says use the messageboard to submit your ideas
Celestra: for details
: Celestra says for details
Luker: We will work on the details
: Luker says We will work on the details
Hagbard Celine: In Lor
: Hagbard Celine says In Lor
Celestra: that's what the message board is for
: Celestra says that's what the message board is for
MINOR: In Mani Ylem
: MINOR says In Mani Ylem
Celestra: to have our say
: Celestra says to have our say
Luker: aye
: Luker says aye
Sir Kane: In Lor
: Sir Kane says In Lor
Luker: so visit
: Luker says so visit
Alannon: Kal Ort Por
: Alannon says Kal Ort Por
Alannon: Vas Ort Flam
: Alannon says Vas Ort Flam
Shadow: Rel Por
: Shadow says Rel Por
Shadow: I wish to travel to there.
: Shadow says I wish to travel to there.
Celestra: and think before replying
: Celestra says and think before replying
: Gailan says Is There a D*C rep here
Shadow: In Lor
: Shadow says In Lor
Shadow: Lord i need to see, please give me sight.
: Shadow says Lord i need to see, please give me sight.
Alannon: Rel Por
: Alannon says Rel Por
: Luker says
: Lone Wolf says Where do I sign?
Alannon: Rel Por
: Alannon says Rel Por
Luker: and Lady Celestra
: Luker says and Lady Celestra
Shadow: In Lor
: Shadow says In Lor
Shadow: Lord i need to see, please give me sight.
: Shadow says Lord i need to see, please give me sight.
Luker: will be changing that page with me
: Luker says will be changing that page with me
: Hagbard Celine says pardon
Surak'nar: how will Guilds affect warriors? will there be a common stone?
: Surak'nar says how will Guilds affect warriors? will there be a common stone?
Shadow: In Lor
: Shadow says In Lor
Shadow: Lord i need to see, please give me sight.
: Shadow says Lord i need to see, please give me sight.
: Hagbard Celine says yes
: Hagbard Celine says pls
Celestra: Laste item
: Celestra says Laste item
Celestra: before we all go
Alannon: Celestra
Celestra: our own ways
Alannon: this is becoming too chaotic
Celestra: There will be a stone
Alannon: have the elected members
Brimstone: i agree
Hagbard Celine: chaos
Celestra: for those
Celestra: that wish
Alannon: from our guilds
Hagbard Celine: !!
Celestra: to engage
Alannon: come back
Celestra: in guild wars
Alannon: in one weeks time
Andrasta: hehe
Alannon: toomany people
Celestra: in behlaf of the BWC
Omniscient: true
Alannon: never enough time
Celestra: but not yet
Andrasta: believe me this is not Chaos
Alannon: we must be orderly
SparrowHawk: I totally agre
Alannon: it could have a lot more order
Celestra: Britannian War Council
Andrasta: perhaps
: Sir Kane says thanks
SparrowHawk: Enough of ye blurting out of turn
: SparrowHawk says Enough of ye blurting out of turn
: Sobe is Good says Brittanian War Council (DUH)
Celestra: LAST ITEM
: Celestra says LAST ITEM
DragonHeart: ??????????
: DragonHeart says ??????????
Celestra: QUIET
: Celestra says QUIET
Aleph Aeirs: Lady Celstra, when do you propose to have the official first meeting?
: Aleph Aeirs says Lady Celstra, when do you propose to have the official first meeting?
Surak'nar: that will not be easy....having 1 stone could be simpler
: Surak'nar says that will not be easy....having 1 stone could be simpler
: Trank says no
Celestra: next wednesday
: Celestra says next wednesday
Celestra: at a location
: Celestra says at a location
Celestra: inside town guard
: Celestra says inside town guard
Luker: This is the official first meeting is it not?
: Luker says This is the official first meeting is it not?
DragonHeart: vendor sell
: DragonHeart says vendor sell
: Hagbard Celine says Kal Ort Por
DragonHeart: vendor sell
: DragonHeart says vendor sell
Dayel Stormcrow: take this meeting for what it was worth...a gathering of interest
: Dayel Stormcrow says take this meeting for what it was worth...a gathering of interest
: DragonHeart says So Be it...Since my input is not wanted
Celestra: This is the founding meeting
: Celestra says This is the founding meeting
Luker: aha
: Luker says aha
DragonHeart: So Be it...Since my input is not wanted
: DragonHeart says So Be it...Since my input is not wanted
Celestra: where we learned
Celestra: we can meet together
Celestra: and not kill each other
Dayel Stormcrow: but there need to be other ways to exchange ideas and vote then in-game meeting
Dayel Stormcrow: IRC...UO chat etc
Payden Fain: :)
Dayel Stormcrow: or nothing will be accomplished
Celestra: My apologies
Celestra: speak
Dayel Stormcrow: and confusion will reign
Celestra: But some grow tired
Celestra: not I
Celestra: by the way
Pointblank: crystals please back on
: Leinad Kilrathi says criminal inbound
: Jaster Mereel says Hail
: Buk says this shit to hard to follow withy it comming frrom four different crystals
Celestra: Dimentia...
: Celestra says Dimentia...
: Dimentia says aye?
: SparrowHawk says Dragon?
: Buk says and everyone just speaks not in turn
: MINOR says whats this?
: DragonHeart says icq
Celestra: You wished to speak
: Celestra says You wished to speak
: Dimentia says nay....
: Dimentia says you mistake me for another
Buk : eb here
: Buk says eb here
Celestra: My apologies
: Celestra says My apologies
Andrasta: no
: Andrasta says no
Buk : k im outty
: Buk says k im outty
Celestra: Last thing
: Celestra says Last thing
: DragonHeart says let's eat :)
: SparrowHawk says k
Celestra: I will put up
: Celestra says I will put up
Celestra: a message
: Celestra says a message
Celestra: on the message board
: Celestra says on the message board
Celestra: inviting all to join
: Celestra says inviting all to join
Celestra: any guild that leaves
: Celestra says any guild that leaves
Celestra: their name there
: Celestra says their name there
Celestra: with a contact
: Celestra says with a contact
Celestra: will be invited
: Celestra says will be invited
Sheradon: Raising hadn
: Sheradon says Raising hadn
Celestra: to the next meeting
: Celestra says to the next meeting
SparrowHawk: I'm full hehe
: SparrowHawk says I'm full hehe
Lone Wolf: Thank you for the information
: Lone Wolf says Thank you for the information
SparrowHawk: I wish there was some wine
: SparrowHawk says I wish there was some wine
SparrowHawk: to go with this
: SparrowHawk says to go with this
Lone Wolf: RPI will be happy to join your ranks
: Lone Wolf says RPI will be happy to join your ranks
You see: stone pavers
Celestra: I am glad
: Celestra says I am glad
Lone Wolf: [Smoke King, RPI]
You see: Lone Wolf
Sheradon: We will speak to our clan and come back to you.
: Sheradon says We will speak to our clan and come back to you.
Celestra: I agree that we need
: Celestra says I agree that we need
Celestra: to discuss
: Celestra says to discuss
SparrowHawk: damnit
: SparrowHawk says damnit
: Frodo Baggins says Minor
: Buk says lol
Omniscient: as will the KMH
: Omniscient says as will the KMH
Carak Gurth: so will KBS
: Carak Gurth says so will KBS
Celestra: the details
: Celestra says the details
SparrowHawk: forgot my lantern
: SparrowHawk says forgot my lantern
: Buk says they got
Celestra: of voting
: Celestra says of voting
SparrowHawk: oh well
: SparrowHawk says oh well
: Equinox says heya
SparrowHawk: I'l get another hehe
: SparrowHawk says I'l get another hehe
Sheradon: Goodnight
: Sheradon says Goodnight
: Buk says like four communicate crystals
Celestra: that will be
: Celestra says that will be
Alannon: as will GOP
: Alannon says as will GOP
Hamlet: LOL will get back to you
: Hamlet says LOL will get back to you
Celestra: on the board too
: Celestra says on the board too
Payden Fain: Caga en tu madre pinchaway
: Payden Fain says Caga en tu madre pinchaway
: Buk says and everyone talkin when they want
DragonHeart: ahhh
: DragonHeart says ahhh
: Buk says rediculous
Felica: Vas Rel Por
: Felica says Vas Rel Por
: Equinox says hehehe
Celestra: And thank you all
: Celestra says And thank you all
Celestra: for comming
: Celestra says for comming
Dimentia: i know not if the LoS wishes to join...
: Dimentia says i know not if the LoS wishes to join...
: Sobe is Good says Gating to MINOC
Celestra: and supporting this cause
: Celestra says and supporting this cause
DragonHeart: a cake all to myself :)
: DragonHeart says a cake all to myself :)
: Alannon says brim
Felica: Vas Rel Por
: Felica says Vas Rel Por
DragonHeart: if only I wern't full :)
: DragonHeart says if only I wern't full :)
Celestra: I hope you still do
: Celestra says I hope you still do
: Alannon says iwill be back in a sec
Celestra: after tonight
: Celestra says after tonight
Brimstone: yes
: Brimstone says yes
Dayel Stormcrow: thankee
: Dayel Stormcrow says thankee
SparrowHawk: Hail Queehn Andrasta :)
: SparrowHawk says Hail Queehn Andrasta :)
Brimstone: ok
: Brimstone says ok
Dimentia: but i will come as an individual if they say no
: Dimentia says but i will come as an individual if they say no
SparrowHawk: Queen
: SparrowHawk says Queen
: Sobe is Good says Please move Minor...
DragonHeart: Mi Lady
: DragonHeart says Mi Lady
Andrasta: *hugs*
: Andrasta says *hugs*
MINOR: Corp Por
: MINOR says Corp Por
: MINOR says An Ex Por
: MINOR says Vas Corp Por
Felica: Vas Rel Por
: Felica says Vas Rel Por
: MINOR says what would moving do?
: Dimentia says hmm.. i need a rune back to brit...
: Sir Kane says move plase
Celestra: Individuals will be welcome
: Celestra says Individuals will be welcome
: Sobe is Good says we need to place a gate
DragonHeart: ahhh welll it happens
: DragonHeart says ahhh welll it happens
SparrowHawk: How fare thee Queen?
: SparrowHawk says How fare thee Queen?
Celestra: I jsut have no idea
: Celestra says I jsut have no idea
Luker: I can gate back to brit
: Luker says I can gate back to brit
Felica: Vas Rel Por
: Felica says Vas Rel Por
Celestra: how speaking
: Celestra says how speaking
: MINOR says yeah...
Celestra: or voting
: Celestra says or voting
Celestra: for them
: Celestra says for them
Anneliese: pardon me, slipping by
: Anneliese says pardon me, slipping by
: MINOR says your point?
Celestra: will work
: Celestra says will work
: Gailan says gate outside only
: Andrasta says fine thank you :)
Felica: Vas Rel Por
: Felica says Vas Rel Por
Pointblank: k
: Pointblank says k
: Lone Wolf says Sobe is a moron
: Lone Wolf says ignore him  :)
Carak Gurth: sister?
: Carak Gurth says sister?
Leinad Kilrathi: Vas Uus Sanct
: Leinad Kilrathi says Vas Uus Sanct
: Sobe is Good says screw you
Hamlet: Rel Por
: Hamlet says Rel Por
Anneliese: thank you
: Anneliese says thank you
Yarp: anslem move pls
DragonHeart: hail equinox
Yarp: thx
Anselm Mysticus: sorry
Felica: Vas Rel Por
Carak Gurth: great job
Knightingale: thank you Celestra
Celestra: thanks
Carak Gurth: *hugs*
DragonHeart: the meeting over?
Knightingale: it is good to see you again
Felica: Vas Rel Por
Celestra: Thanks you Knightingale
Dayel Stormcrow: that was silly
Celestra: for comming
MINOR: Vas Rel Por
Alannon: great job
Surak'nar: Thank you Milady...much is to be discussed and created, but it was a good start
Knightingale: I am honored to be here
Elbereth: Thank you for your time, Celestra.... I will be in touch with you. :)
Knightingale: I will look forward to our future
Carak Gurth: am so proud of the turn out
Celestra: *nods*