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Atlantic:Eighteenth Meeting of the Yew Council
Thrawn: ok, thank you all for coming
Thrawn: before we begin, is there anything anybody would like to bring up?
Kotare II: yes
Thrawn: comments, recommendations, suggestions, complaints, etc?
Thrawn: go ahead Kotare
Kotare II: there is a war with the orcs in moonglow if any are interested
Joost shadow Xx: A war?
- Rexor Khan says I have heard this
Joost shadow Xx: I thought they where arranging peace conference
Kotare II: against those members who attacked the orcsin moonglow
Kotare II: last sunday
Kotare II: just thought you'd like to know
Thrawn: anybody else?
Thrawn: ok then, let's begin
Thrawn: first off, let me give an update on the new Town Council positions
Thrawn: we will be holding a "mock trial" after this meeting in the Court of Truth
Thrawn: for those who have applied for judge and lawyer positions
Thrawn: all are welcome to come watch, and we will need a pair of volunteers as well
Ash: *volunteers*
Kotare II: i would like to express my intrest
Thrawn: if you are interested, please come to the Court of Truth with us afterwards
Kotare II: aye
Thrawn: also, we still need someone to fill the Town Historian position
Thrawn: the one person who applied has since withdrawn due to real life concerns
Thrawn: so if anybody is interested in that position, please contact me
Thrawn: finally, the Event Coordinator position
Thrawn: having shown a nice blend of creativity and organization
Thrawn: as well as sharing some good ideas we hope to be able to see come to life
Thrawn: Joost Shadow is the new Event Coordinator of Yew
Joost shadow Xx: Jay
Joost shadow Xx: *smiles*
Pyros: *applauds*
Thrawn: now Joost, since you are here, would you mind giving some info
- Rexor Khan says **Claps**
Thrawn: on the upcoming Spring Festival?
Joost shadow Xx: I was hoping having my rough sketched plans detailed a bit further in
Joost shadow Xx: cooperation with you Thrawn
Thrawn: why not just give them a small taste for starters?
Thrawn: a sneak peek for those who come to the meetings
Thrawn: *grins*
Joost shadow Xx: Hmm I had in mind for the spring festival....
Joost shadow Xx: The final Snowball fight as it will be changing season
Joost shadow Xx: Just throw the small leftover of snow at each other
Ash: just don't throw the yello wsnow
Pyros: *chuckles*
Joost shadow Xx: Another one of my ideas is a horse race, with maybe a larger role later on
- Rexor Khan says Aye that would be bad
Joost shadow Xx: A pie eating contest and some other
Joost shadow Xx: ofcourse most in combination with prices
Joost shadow Xx: Thats all I'd have to say for now
Thrawn: thank you
Thrawn: keep an eye on the Council website for more info concerning the Festival
- Rexor Khan says How about a race around a set course
- Rexor Khan says horse or foot
Thrawn: in other news, there has been some talk about some programs for the
Thrawn: coming of the new lands
- Onikirimaru says your out of shape
- SunWolf says all stay
- Rexor Khan says hehe
Thrawn: one such program involves keeping excess Moonstones you may find
Thrawn: in order to help some of the younger citizens
Joost shadow Xx: Have a seat captain
Thrawn: into Trammel if they wish to go there
- SunWolf says thank you
- Kotare II says hehehe, does no one like being around me?
Ce'Nedra Willow: ohhohh
Thrawn: so please, hold on to those Moonstones! Don't just throw them away
- Kotare II says lol
Ce'Nedra Willow: *grins*
- Rexor Khan says feel better now
- Rexor Khan says ?
Windlord: I have no more room to keep any
- Kotare II says yup
Windlord: Is there someone I can give my extras to?
Thrawn: I'm sure we can find a communal place to store excess ones
SunWolf: i'll fine a place for them all
SunWolf: sct has a
SunWolf: crate infrotn fo the oven
SunWolf: store them there
Windlord: ok
Thrawn: also, there has been some talk of placing houses in the new lands
Thrawn: perhaps trying to find a nice clearing where the citizens of Yew
Thrawn: can set up a nice little town of some such
- Rexor Khan says Aye
Thrawn: several people have graciously offered to donate houses and gold
- Rexor Khan says sound good
Thrawn: and hopefully, the chaos of the house placement won't prevent that from happenin
Ce'Nedra Willow: *smirks*
Thrawn: there's still some things to plan out, like which clearings to look at
Thrawn: and what type of placing strategy to use
Joost shadow Xx: Remember you can also place in the woods itself
Joost shadow Xx: very closely to Yew
Thrawn: hopefully it will be a success
Thrawn: and we'll start with a nice little niche in the new lands
- Boltar says Sires I am sorry for the Intrusion...
Thrawn: now, I noticed many people arrived here late today
Thrawn: so does anybody have anything to bring up or discuss?
Joost shadow Xx: hehe
- Boltar says I need to speka to someone very high in this City
- Boltar says speak
- Boltar says it concernes the Vesper meeting
Thrawn: go ahead then Boltar
- Boltar says may i Sit?
Thrawn: sure
- Boltar says I am Boltar Blackstone,Private of the Moonglow Militia
- Boltar says And i cam with Grim news
- Boltar says i am looking here and 3 days for Lord Thoma Valient
- Boltar says to warn him of the Impending Infiltration of the Council and alliance by OES
SunWolf: i just left him
- Boltar says my Informer hath told me that Shaka of OES hath assumed another Identity
- Boltar says and now he is to be the councellor`s right hand
- Boltar says thus,leading him slowly to corruption
- Boltar says I came to warn the Alliance
- Boltar says ad for me i am a mere Footman
- Boltar says Questions Sires?
- Lord Rainbow King says Mayhap a case for Sneaky Pete?
- Boltar says i have the proof for it Sires
Thrawn: so you do not know the name of this "infiltrator" ?
Ash: Do you have the identity of this right hand man?
- Boltar says Aye
- Boltar says aloud me 3 mins to conatc
- Boltar says and concentrate
- Boltar says please carry on i will be back
SunWolf: should we get thoma?
Pyros: Guess so
- Rexor Khan says Tis indeed grave news
SunWolf: he is at the ungry halfing
SunWolf: bartending
- Rexor Khan says seeems visably shaken
Ash: heh now we know why sunwolf was late...drinkin at the hungry halflng
- Kotare II says hehehe
SunWolf: thoma is coming
SunWolf: i found a pigeon
SunWolf: *smiles*
SunWolf: actully i was giveing a tour
SunWolf: of fogwood and rivendale
Joost shadow Xx: Thats what they all say
- Joost shadow Xx says Thats what they all say
Ash: tour of the bottom of yur whiskey glass
SunWolf: to little whitedoves guild
SunWolf: hail thoma
- Thoma Valient says Hail
SunWolf: since there is peopel better at speaking than i
SunWolf: can someoen fill thoma in
Kotare II: i must be going. I shall return shortly. m'lady, thanks for you fine company
Thrawn: seems this man Boltar came here to warn you about someone trying to deceive you
Ce'Nedra Willow: *smiles*
- Thoma Valient says I have heard...
Thrawn: do you know who he speaks of? who he suspects to be the spy?
Thoma Valient: Nay...
- Boltar says Sire...His Name is Thanous
Ash: *gasp*
- Thoma Valient says Thanous?
- Boltar says His true identity is Shaka of OES
- Thoma Valient says Oh no...
- Boltar says and i have Proof for it My Lord
- Rexor Khan says Oh my word
- Thoma Valient says Boltar
- Thoma Valient says let us hear the proof
Ce'Nedra Willow: *didn't realise that was a secret*
- Boltar says I have contacted my Informant and handed me 2 Scrolsl containing the message that i
- Lord Rainbow King says That's hardly a wellkept secret
- Boltar says i can hand them to Lord Thma
- Boltar says thoma
- Boltar says (email them)
- Boltar says Luckily i managed to come in time
- Boltar says there is hope still
- Thoma Valient says I added him to the stone earlier
- Thoma Valient says Thanous
- Boltar says Aye Shaka of OES AKA
- Thoma Valient says He did speak too well for someone like that
- Thoma Valient says HE said
- Bront says checkl 1 done!
- Thoma Valient says he was in LLTS
- Thoma Valient says before
- Boltar says I have the Proof sire
- Thoma Valient says his story made good sense
- Thoma Valient says I know
- Thoma Valient says take my pigeon
- Boltar says hold sire
- Thoma Valient says 38198197
- Boltar says now sire
- Boltar says aye Sire
- Boltar says shall i sent the Documents now?
- Thoma Valient says Yes
- Boltar says Let me then conctarte and bring my informant to sent them to you..
Thrawn: thank you for the warning Boltar, hopefully it will help avert the infiltration
Thrawn: does anybody else have anything to address?
- nicholas says i wish to address th ecouncil
Thrawn: go ahead Nicholas
- nicholas says Many montha go
- nicholas says ago
- nicholas says I wished to join your fine guild
Ce'Nedra Willow: I have something to say
- nicholas says but as things hapen in life
- nicholas says it was not meant to be
- nicholas says i have since joined a guild called the
- Boltar says Pidgeon sent sire
- nicholas says warders
- nicholas says we wish to allign ourselves with you
- nicholas says I am not sure how this is done
- nicholas says but i assure you we are valuable allies
Thrawn: thank you for the offer
- nicholas says it is my pleasure to bring it to you
Thrawn: I would suggest getting in touch with myself or SunWolf outside the meeting
- nicholas says hmm
- nicholas says very well
Thrawn: Ce'Nedra, you had something?
- nicholas says very well
Ce'Nedra Willow: Aye.
- nicholas says i will take my leave
Ce'Nedra Willow: For those who didn't get my extremely mass message.
- nicholas says good day
Ce'Nedra Willow: I recently grandmastered Tailoring.
- Gwendolyn says Congrats!
- Rexor Khan says congrats
- Thoma Valient says Congrats
Joost shadow Xx: Nice achievement
Ash: Takin orders?
Ce'Nedra Willow: It was the first time I have ever grandmastered a skill.
- Rexor Khan says *Claps*
Ce'Nedra Willow: And has taken me a year and a half to do so.
Ce'Nedra Willow: Many of the hides that helped me do it, came from the Yew Militia
Ce'Nedra Willow: When Renee was in charge.
Ce'Nedra Willow: And I thank you all for that.
- Boltar says Sire
- Boltar says Falcons Sent to thee bearing the messenges(Chekc email)
Ce'Nedra Willow: And yes I will take orders.
- Thoma Valient says thank you
Ash: *grins*
- Lord Rainbow King says Hey my order is already placed!
Ce'Nedra Willow: Yes and yours will get finished first.
- Boltar says Sire have the Falcons arrived?
Thrawn: Congratulations Ce'Nedra
Thrawn: does anybody else have anything to say? before we move to the Court?
Thrawn: for those of you who may have missed it, we are having a small trial
Ash: i'd like to speak to sunwolf after this meeting
Thrawn: after the meeting, to help decide upon new Judges and Lawyers for the Court
- Gwendolyn says *raises hand*
Thrawn: Gwendolyn?
- Gwendolyn says I would just like to make an announcement.
- Gwendolyn says The next Trinsic Bazaar will be held Saturday at 4pm est.
- Gwendolyn says Thank you
Thrawn: Thank you
Ash: where in Trinsic?
SunWolf: is it weekly now?
- Gwendolyn says It's held in the Marketplace Squre, which is by the docks.
- Thoma Valient says Geezus...
- Thoma Valient says I part for Golgatha at once...
- Gwendolyn says Yes, I think the plan is to hold them weekly.
- Boltar says Sire?
- Thoma Valient says farewell
- Gwendolyn says We are trying to sort out which time of day is best.
Boltar: Sire!
Boltar: *sighs*
Thrawn: okay then, thank you all very much for coming
Thrawn: I invite you all to join us at the Court
Boltar: Lords and ladies i assume Lord Thoma is highly Upset
Thrawn: if you wish to volunteer or just watch the mock trial
- Joost shadow Xx says Can SunWolf add me to the stone?
Boltar: I Have to Depart for moonglow
- Joost shadow Xx says Venture safe
Ash: Be safe Boltar
Boltar: My Captain needs me ther for the
Boltar: peace talk tonite
Boltar: with the Orcs
Joost shadow Xx: Goodluck
Boltar: Farewell
Ash: Rexor follow me
Thrawn: that is all for today, thanks for coming