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Attunement - Haeldril
Icon attunement.gif Mana Cost Minimum Skill Casting Delay
24 0.0 1.0
Duration 1 - 5 minutes (Spellweaving Skill x 10) / 240, minimum 1
Area of Effect Caster
Arcane Focus Bonus Increases duration and damage absorbed.
Description Creates a magical barrier around the caster that absorbs melee damage. Once the shield runs out of power, the caster recieves damage as normal. Human characters have a 50% chance of casting success due to the Jack of all Trades racial ability. Attunement acts nearly identical to the way Magery spell Reactive Armor did prior to the Age of Shadows expansion. Attunement was originally called Attune Weapon. From it says, "The arcanist becomes one with an enemy’s weapon. This curse lessens damage inflicted by an enemy’s weapon by 50% for the duration of the spell." However, this was changed early in or before the UO:ML beta test.

See Also

Minimum Skill Spellweaving Spells
0 Arcane Circle · Attunement · Gift of Renewal · Nature's Fury Flag spellweaving.gif
10 Immolating Weapon · Thunderstorm
24 Arcane Empowerment · Ethereal Voyage · Reaper Form
38 Gift of Life · Summon Fey · Summon Fiend
52 Dryad Allure · Essence of Wind
66 Wildfire
80 Word of Death