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BNN: In the Shadow of Virtue: The Dark Throne
November 12, 2010
A hooded figure robed in crimson emerged from the darkgate and surveyed the room. There were no sounds in this chamber but the angry roar of the lava sea that roiled outside the red stone windows. Towering demons stood guard in the room and broke the silence briefly to grunt their recognition. The figure nodded.
HeThe figure passed from the room and down a dark hall. There were no windows here, just warm obsidian walls which gave the hall a darkness that even nightsight could not penetrate. The sound of the lava faded and the mysterious figure could hear nothing but the scraping thud of cloven hooves on stone as demons tended to their duties.
He arrived at two large brass doors flanked by more demon guards. The doors had a heavy pattern engraved in them and there were runes on each door. The runes were of a demonic language, but he knew what lay beyond. The guards lowered their great axes to block his path. He pulled back his hood to identify himself and they stood aside and opened the doors to let the human pass.
The double doors opened near the corner of an indescribably large room. The floor here was the same obsidian stone that paved the hallway but the stone walls displayed a red and black pattern that extended from the corner to the horizon in both directions. The only light came from a ceiling of dark clouds that roiled with flashes of light thirty feet above the floor.
The air here always made his eyes burn so he took out a black linen mask and placed it over his head. Adjusting the mask, he pondered the possibility that he might be in a courtyard and not a room, though the difference had little meaning in this place. The sky outside the fortress was always dark too, just higher above the head. There was no wind here so he concluded he was indoors. He raised his hood and proceeded with grim determination toward the darkness at the center of the room.
As the walls and the doors faded out of sight behind him, dark things began swooping past him, out of the clouds and back into them. They peered at him with reptilian eyes and he knew that his master was informed of his approach. He arrived at a great moat of lava and waited. A moment later a flash of lightning struck the floor and a red portal opened. He closed his eyes and shook his head to regain his vision after the flash and made a mental note to himself to cover his eyes when waiting for the portal next time. He then stepped through the gate.
He emerged before a great throne surrounded by large hound-like beasts. He knelt before the great horned demon who sat on the throne.
“Speak,” rumbled the demon.
“My lord, your people hath succeeded in capturing the queen’s husband but Ricardo was not in his cell when we stormed the prison. Our spies in the palace say they do not know where he is. He may have been captured by whoever stole the crystal from the palace.”
The demon did not move but the sky became more tormented and the giant hounds around him began to bay and growl.
“My lord, we know that the followers of Minax seek the power of the crystal. We suspect they hath taken the crystal and Ricardo too.”
“I begin to question the competence of those who call themselves the Chosen of Virtue Bane. If Minax is behind this, why would she capture Ricardo if she already has the crystal?”
“We know not, my lord. Perhaps it isn’t Minax. Could there be others who seek the crystal?
“You bring me many questions and frail theories and far too few results.” Growled Virtue Bane. “Have I not sent my hellhounds to protect your soldiers? Have I not sent my dragons? My demons? These bring your soldiers power and security. Have I not given you previously hidden knowledge of the secrets of blackrock? These things have real value. Have I not been generous to all your requests? If you wish the Bane Chosen to be exalted in my new kingdom, you must deliver on your promises! If you do not get me results soon, I will take back all that I have given you with interest!”
The man bowed to the ground. “Forgive me Lord Virtue Bane, thou art most generous and most patient.”
“Patient! I have been patient for far too long!” fumed the great demon, pounding his giant fist on the arm of his throne. “I was patient when my demons failed to find the crystal in Magincia, but know that they were wise to raze it to the ground before returning to me with a report that it wasn’t there! Yes, I am patient, but not infinitely so. ”
“Yes, my lord. What would you have your people do next?”
“If I am to control Sosaria, I must control Truth. Now listen carefully, I want you to build an altar on Magincia at the location of the moongate. Then, I want you to have those who wish to be counted among the Chosen to bring a symbol of Truth and sacrifice it to me. It must be a testimony by them that the only Truth comes from Virtue Bane. “