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BNN: Mongbat Mush

Lilia Newsman Feb 21 2001 11:05PM

Our story today comes from the city of Britain and the crossroads that lie to the west of town. Over the last few days there have been a series of spider attacks in the area. Folk passing by have seen the arachnids spewing from the trees in the area. There is currently no known reason for the sudden surge of spiders.

BNN Mongbat Mush - Picture 1.jpg

Today, however, the crossroads were not plagued by spiders, but rather by what seemed to be a million mongbats and some headless. When I arrived on the scene there were only a few mongbats scattered over the area. This did not last long, though. After the initial assault, mongbats were sighted flying overhead and streaming down to the ground.

Some folk laughed in derision as a pair of dragons arrived to fight the mongbats off, but it was soon evident that even though mongbats are miniature in size, when they amass in numbers, even dragons are slowed down by wading through them.

Click here to enlarge.

The deranged monsters continued their flight and fight amidst poison fields and barrages of chain lightings. Nothing seemed to slow them down other than their own deaths. When the air finally cleared, there were corpses littering the ground, a few of them belonging to unlucky adventurers.

Click here to enlarge.

What drove these miniscule monsters to attack is still unknown, although it is rumored that they were headed to Britain to raid the farms there. Not being great conversationalists, their motives will remain a mystery to us all.

See Also