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BNN: Soulette The Dark...

Markus April 12, 1998

'Tis a Dark day in Britain this day... I have heard the tale from other cities as well. It would seem that some evil magic is at work in the midst of our cities. A Woman named, Soulette The Dark hath been visiting the cities of Britannia bringing fear to the hearts of all she passes.

It seems as though she possesses the power to take the soul straight from thy Mortal Coil. Several accounts are on record of how she touched the life out of the guards and nobles of Britain and other cities. She attacked a few peasants and cryers as well, but none other was harmed. Several Warriors attempted to Attack Soulette The Dark in Town, and Met the fate of the guards blades, 'Tis terrible.

A Journal of sorts was found at one of the sightings of Soulette The Dark. It seems to have been written by her. Here are a few excerpts from that Journal.

"My mother died today, no thanks to the good people of Britannia... I begged for help from them, my cries fell on deaf ears... ANGER!!! I Shall end this"

"I have been randomly mixing reagents and even added some of the widely unused reagents, which I stole. I have created a potion... Different... Never seen this color before... Afraid to Drink it... What will it Do??"

It seems as though she drank the potion... 'Tis my guess, for the next passage makes little sense to me or others who have heard it...

"Shut thy mouth you weak Fool... If you were not I... Or I not you, I would run ye thru"

Who doth she speak of...

Soulette was a mer peasant, making a living begging in the streets of Britain... As for her mother we have no knowledge of when she died or the cause. 'Tis and awful thing... Peasant to Soul taker...

Soulette seeks to destroy the people of Britannia for their uncaring ways, Soulette must be stopped. How do thee stop one with such power?? The answer 'tis unknown to me.....

See Also