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Cracked Lava Rock

Cracked lava rock.png
Cracked Lava Rock
Weight: 1 Stone

Cracked Lava Rocks can be fished up from the lava using a Lava Proof Hook. A Geode, a Geode Shard or a Lava rock.png Lava rock abyssal.png Lava Rock can be recovered from when it is cut open by using an axe on it. They come in four colors:

  • Amethyst Geode amethyst south.png
  • Agate Geode south.png
  • Green Geode green south.png
  • and Purple Geode purple south.png.

Heading Geode Geode (large) Geode Shard
South Geode south.png Geode large south.png Geode shard south.png
East Geode east.png Geode large east.png Geode shard east.png

See Also