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Crystal Portal
The Crystal Portal is a 1st year veteran reward that, when locked down in a player's house, allows characters to speak a destination command to it which will then teleport the character, and any pets, hirelings or other followers, to the destination. For example, saying 'Moonglow Mint' will teleport the character to the mint(bank) in Moonglow.
The item is always usuable by the house owner, as well as others if permissions are set appropriately.
Double clicking the crystal portal will pop open a book which provides instructions on how to use it, provided the player's account is at least 12 months old. Strangely, anyone can use the portal regardless of account age.
For traveling to the Trammel ruleset you simply say the name of the city mint or moongate you want to go to. For traveling to the Felucca ruleset you have to say Fel before the city mint or moongate you want to go to.
As of Publish 69, a corrupted version of the crystal portal named Corrupted Crystal Portal is also available as a 1st year Veteran reward that allows players to teleport to different dungeons.
Locations must be spelled correctly and there is no case sensitivity.
Trammel Banks[name] Mint
Trammel Moongates[city] moongate
Felucca BanksFel [name] Mint
Felucca MoongatesFel [name] Moongate