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Exodus Summoning Altar

Exodus Summoning Altar
Weight: 1 Stone
Lifespan: 1 week

The Exodus Summoning Altar is one of the four keys needed for the Summoning ritual of The Exodus Encounter. It can be obtained by slaying the minions of Exodus or Dupre's men inside the Exodus Dungeon, or from the Exodus supply cache.png locked and trapped containers hidden inside the same dungeon that can be revealed using the Detect Hidden skill. It can also be crafted by:


Crafting the Carpentry item Exodus Summoning Altar
Minimum Skill Requirements Components Success Chances
95.0 Carpentry
75.0 Magery
Boards.png 100 Boards or Logs
High Quality Granite.png 10 High Quality Granite
A small piece of blackrock.png 10 A Small Piece of Blackrock
Nexus core.png 1 Nexus Core
100.0 skill = 10.0%
Exceptional Chances
Cannot be Exceptionally crafted.
Additional Notes