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Five on Friday - April 20, 2007

"If I use a character name change token, will my name change on my Candle of Love or will it stay the same?"
Wilki says, "It stays the same."


"Does casting Protection reduce your FC cap to 2?"
Yes and no - the Protection FC reduction is applied AFTER the cap takes effect. If your total FC is at the cap of 4 (for Ninjitsu, Bushido, Spellweaving, and, under certain circumstances, Chivalry,) then yes, it'll reduce it to 2. If you're at a cap of 2 (for Magery, Necromancy, and under other circumstances, Chivalry) casting Protection will reduce your FC to 0. (The above, of course, assumes that you have the gear to be at the cap in the first place - if not, Protection just reduces your current FC by 2.)


"Please let us trade in the Ophidian stuff too!"
This was on Stratics, but I'd hate for anyone to miss Draconi's reply:

"Okay, but not right this second, and not in the same manner. :)"


"Will Aegis of Grace still have two forms artistically in KR? "
From Grimm:

"The answer is: They should look the same in KR!"


"Will my rares still be rare in KR?"
The short answer is yes - any items that are rare now (for reasons of name or color) should still be rare in KR. Changing the client you view it with won't change its fundamental properties, any more than changing between the current 2D and 3D clients would. Now, all the items will look somewhat different because the art is different, but it shouldn't affect rarity or uniqueness.


"Does equipping a +success chance talisman change your rate of skill gain?"
For difficulty-based skills, including the crafting skills, it does - it can actually affect it either way. Your skill gain in these skills is dependent on your success chance for each action - you have a better chance of gaining if the action is neither too easy nor too hard. So anything that changes that chance of success, including talismans and +skill jewelry, will change the rate at which you gain skill.


3D Client Update:
The patch that discontinues the 3D client is holding steady for Wednesday the 25th. We'll post on the Herald and update the patcher if/when this changes, but at this moment, it looks like we're going to make that date.


Philadephia Town Hall Reminder!
The Philly Town Hall Meeting is tomorrow! We should have all the usual goodies - food, gossip, news, beta invites. UO Radio is planning to be there broadcasting live, for the folks too far away to make it. There's no reason not to RSVP now!


The Feedback Contest went so well that we're running it again this month! Send in your feedback here for a chance at a KR beta slot!

Forms submitted must be received before midnight, April 30 (CDT) in order to be eligible. Spam will be deleted, and while "I want a beta slot" is feedback, of a sort, it's not what we're looking for. Pick a topic and tell me how you feel about it - balance, crafting, PvP, whatever. Make a suggestion, a complaint, a rant - whatever is on your mind.


Fansite News:
Remember to tune in tomorrow from 3PM to 6PM EDT to UO Radio to get live coverage of the Town Hall meeting!


Will you abide by Sir Geoffrey's warnings or rush to unload your blackrock on the mysterious traders that have appeared in Haven? Decisions, decisions...

- Jeremy

See Also