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Five on Friday - February 6, 2009
Are there significant changes in how SA handles macros vs KR? Will there be any pass to unify the way SA and 2D clients handle macros so make it easier for people to convert?
This is still a work in progress. So far, we’ve added a legacy targeting mode which makes the new client perform much more like the “2D client” in terms of the way you choose to attack other mobs. We’ve also made a special category in the actions window for the “2d client” targeting actions that you guys are familiar with. We still have a few things we would like to get added but I can’t promise they will all make it in before launch:
- Provide a set of pre-fabricated macros for reference
- Add more tooltips to help guide the user in macro creation
- Being able to insert and remove actions from the middle of a macro
- Being able to import legacy macros into the new client
- Being able to export/import macros in the new client
Even if some of these proposed features do not make it in before launch, we will continue to work on the macro system and hope to get these improvements out in subsequent patches.
- Supreem
My guildmates and I have always wondered if HLD stacks. For example if you have the Mace & Shield Glasses with 30% Hit Lower Defense, will that stack with your weapons and other equipment with HLD?
All equipment with Hit Lower Defense rolls separately to see if their HLD effect is triggered. If the Hit Lower Defense effect is already on another player or creature and the HLD duration hasn’t expired, subsequent HLD effects only reset the duration.
- Leurocian
If this is the case, then This is a bug. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.
- Leurocian
Edit: This question has been temporarily removed from the Five on Friday until additional details are available. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Is there a summary of all of the test center commands that details how to set skills, get resources, etc.?
Say "help commands" and "help skills"
- Mesanna
Hey I was just wondering when Magincia might be cleared up a little. I find it is getting a little boring having to deal with the Corrupted Souls to go to CoM faction base and giving CoM a rather large disadvantage and bringing about the unpopularity of the faction.
While the corrupted souls are remaining until the city rebuilding event, most of the debris (95%) has recently been removed. The building debris remains, but all the thousands of rubble/trash tiles have been deleted.
- Draconi
When will Magincia be fixed? Is there a way for the Felluca side to be fixed faster than the Trammel side? Faction fighting in a city that is destroyed and over-ran by ghosts is kinda hard...
Right now it’s meant for after the launch of Stygian Abyss – we’re ending the current story arc soon and beginning the Stygian Abyss story arc. I would imagine it could be something either facet could complete independently, just like the invasion itself was.
- Draconi
Fan Site News:
- The Adventures of Nexus the Thief: The Tale of a North American Tour by a Britannian Thief
- This is a new fan site dedicated to the Thief life style. I will be Cross Sharding to each North American Shard in turn (excepting Siege of Course)and recording my exploits. In order to accomplish this I plan to steal enough items to sell and buy Transfer Tokens from other players in order to move to the next shard. Along the way I will attempt to establish a branch of the Guild THIEF (made infamous by Chad Sexington) on each Server that does not currently have an incarnation of it. To keep things interesting for readers I won't be disclosing where I transfer to until the first episode on a new shard. The Overall goal is 100+ episodes before the journey ends which should take over a year to complete.
- There are currently a couple of episodes posted for the Atlantic Shard, from the past few days and I intend to add additional episodes as I go about my villainous journey.
This week on Whispering Rose Radio...
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- *New Feature - Stay in touch with the latest in game and on the air special events with WRR's UO Community Event Calendar. And if your shard is having a special event that you would like coverage for then we would like to hear from you. Calendar Link
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- Friday - Feb. 6th - Shard Chatter will be buzzing with the latest hot topics of Ultima Online news and this weeks special guest is Governor Winfield of Pax Lair on the Chesapeake shard!! Join DJ Exiled Connections starting at 10pm ET (7pm PT) on WRR and participate in this lively in-depth UO discussion. Instructions on how to tune in and participate are located on the www.wrrad.com website. You can contact Exiled Connection by ICQ 179-159-158.
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- Friday - Feb. 6th - From 9pm to 11pm PT (Midnight to 2am ET) participate in the live fun of DJ Flash and The Box Game with lots of chances for you to win fantastic UO in game prizes. Tune into www.wrrad.com to hear full game details and be ready to contact DJ Flash at ICQ 124-373-22
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- Saturday - Feb. 7th - While getting your game on tune into www.wrrad.com from 1pm to 3pm ET (10am to Noon PT) for the NEW ~ Sounds of Sosaria Show ~ and Chill out to New Age, Ambience and Soundtracks with DJ Skal who is always in tune to listeners requests and can be reached by ICQ at 436-663-883.
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- Saturday - Feb. 7th - Its time for the ever popular Brush LimpPaw show starting at 5pm ET (2pm PT) on WRR where listeners hear his Universal Outlook on the worlds 'current events' as only he can deliver it.
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- Saturday - Feb. 7th - WRR Deal or No Deal 'UO Style' ~ Win up to 10 MILLION in GOLD on the shard of your choice (1/3 Siege) playing Deal or No Deal. This weeks DoND is on ATLANTIC starting at 3pm Pacific, 6pm Eastern. The DoND studio is located inside LUNA town at the SouthWest corner. Players from all shards are eligible to participate...just make a character on ATLANTIC to join in the fun!! Rules on how to play DoND UO Style are available on the station website where you can also tune in to hear this and other UO events live from...Whispering Rose Radio - For more details and location map CLICK HERE
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- Saturday - Feb. 7th - WRR's Name that Tune & Artist Show starting at 7pm PT (10pm ET) where over 25 Million in UO Gold can be won on the *shard of your choice!! Anyone from any shard can play - just log onto Lake Superior and head to the game house of Club Xanadu located inside Luna town along the north wall then tune into Whispering Rose Radio at www.wrrad.com to hear the tunes. Every person that plays is on their own ladder. For full game details and map of location CLICK HERE
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- Saturday - Feb. 7th - From 9pm to 11pm PT (Midnight to 2am ET) participate in the live fun of DJ Flash and The Box Game with lots of chances for you to win fantastic UO in game prizes. Tune into www.wrrad.com to hear full game details and be ready to contact DJ Flash at ICQ 124-373-22
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- Sunday - Feb. 8th- Tune in each week from 11am to 2pm ET (8am - 11am PT) and win at least MILLION in gold on the shard of your choice (1/3 Siege) by being the first to figure out the clues given to help find DJ Slide on Sonoma. Anyone from any shard is eligible to participate, just make a character on Sonoma and tune into www.wrrad.com for the clues. Each week that DJ Slide is not 'found' the reward increases by 1 Million. **Plus listen throughout the show for this weeks Our House - UO Player of the Week!
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- Sunday - Feb. 8th - The Pacific Auction House (located just East of the Luna moongate) continues after 4 fantastic years to bring you more great deals. Get there early for best seating. Auction starts at 3pm ET (Noon PT) and is broadcasted live on WRRadio.
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- Thursday - Feb. 12th – Its time to party with the Tazz and Keg's Underground show broadcasting live from 9pm to 11pm CT (6pm to 8pm PT). Entering their underground world leads you to places you will never forget. Remember you can call into the show via Skype! For full details on how to call into the show visit the Tazz & Kegs Underground page at Underground Knights website.
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- Friday - Feb. 13th - Shard Chatter is always buzzing with the latest hot topics of Ultima Online news. Join DJ Exiled Connections starting at 10pm ET (7pm PT) on WRR and participate in this lively indepth UO discussion. Instructions on how to tune in and participate are located on the www.wrrad.com website. You can contact Exiled Connection by ICQ 179-159-158.
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- Weekly - Don't forget the "Our House - UO Player of the Week". Is there someone who has affected you and others playing Ultima Online in a positive way? Show your appreciation by nominating them for the UO Player of the Week! It's easy to do. Contact DJ Slide at ICQ 277-163-033 (or by PM on the boards) with the name and shard of the player. He will get with you for more details to help record this special tribute and play the spot during the DJ Slide's Sunday Show from 11am - 2pm ET (8am - 11am PT) on Whispering Rose Radio
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- Have a blast playing Ultima Online and listening to Whispering Rose Radio (www.wrrad.com) ~ see you all on the flip side!
- Comments: The United Pirates of Catskills announce the next Black Market event for Feb. 7th, 8 pm EST!
- During this monthly recurring event you can sell, buy or trade your wares! This time, we will also raffle off prizes to those who solved the Ransom and Blood quest.
- The facts:
- Merchants can claim a personal market stand in the Black Market building, where they can advertise and sell their products. To do that, the merchants should enter the list of their products into the book locked down on their market stand (at least one day prior to the event, so people can come by and check on the items).
- The prices should be LOWER than the regular Luna vendor prices! Bargaining is encouraged!
- Are you looking for a certain item? You can post your request on the bulletin board out front of the Black Market. Merchants can check the board beforehand and have the appropriate items ready for sale. The board will be wiped after the Black Market is over.
- The Black Market building is located next to our Jolly Roger Inn in TRAMMEL:
- http://www.aschulze.net/ultima/pirates/images/map_up_big.jpg
Great Lakes
- Chicken Fight Club
- Come One ...Come All
- To the Famous Chicken Fight Club.
- Every Saturday night at 8:00 pm est
- We hold pet fights, open to anyone
- willing to test thier skills as a tamer and trainer of various pets...
- Greater Dragons, Mares, Goats,
- and the crowd favorite Chickens!!
- Not the tamer type?
- We have a bookie to take your bets
- Come out and join the fun!
- Baja weekly shard event: Sunday Night Taming Hour
- When: Every Sunday Evening
- Meeting Place: Moonglow Zoo
- Time: 8pm PST (9pm MST, 10pm CST, 11pm EST) Open Event Sponsored by M!S
Got questions? We got answers. Submit your Five on Friday question here.
Have a great weekend everyone!