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Five on Friday - January 16, 2009

"Will the 255/255 replicas become dyeable?"

They will be changed to 150 after the next publish, and they should be dyable. If you are aware of one that is not dyeable please send in a bug report with as many details as possible including which boss dropped it.


"Is introducing a new Virtue to the Virtue system on the Dev roadmap for 2009?"

The Virtues will be a very important part of the upcoming gargoyle culture.


"Any plans to change the intensities of ML weapons learned from Heartwood?"

Not at this time.


"I saw that you are running a Bank Decorating contest I’ve been really busy so I haven’t had the time to design it yet. Is it possible to extend the deadline a couple more days?"

The deadline stands, please make sure to have your entries in by midnight EST on Sunday, January 18th. Good luck!


"Will UO ever have weddings again?"



"Who will perform the weddings?"

The Event Moderators on your shard.


"How will I contact them to make arrangements?"

They will have a Wedding Book locked down in their office (counselor hall in Trammel) on each shard.


Fansite News:

This weeks live musical fun on Whispering Rose Radio...

Friday - Jan. 16th - Shard Chatter will be buzzing with the latest hot topics of Ultima Online news!! Join DJ Exiled Connections starting at 10pm ET (7pm PT) on WRR and participate in these fun and always lively UO discussions. Instructions on how to tune in and participate are located on the website. You can contact Exiled Connection by ICQ 179159158.
Saturday - Jan. 17th - Its time for the ever popular Brush LimpPaw show starting at 5pm ET (3pm PT) on WRR where listeners hear his Universal Outlook on the worlds 'current events' as only he can deliver it.
Saturday - Jan. 17th - WRR Deal or No Deal 'UO Style' ~ Win up to 10 MILLION in GOLD on the shard of your choice (1/3 Seige) playing Deal or No Deal. This weeks DoND is on LAKE AUSTIN starting at 3pm Pacific, 6pm Eastern. The DoND house is located just east of the Luna moongate. Players from all shards are eligible to participate...just make a character on LAKE AUSTIN to join in the fun!! Rules on how to play DoND UO Style are available on the station website where you can also tune in to hear this and other UO events live from...Whispering Rose Radio - For more details and location map CLICK HERE
Saturday - Jan. 17th - At 10pm Eastern (7pm PT) join in the fun with WRR's Name That Tune & Artist Show where over 25 Million in UO Gold can be won on the shard of your choice!! Anyone can play - just log onto Lake Superior and head to the game house of Xanadu's located inside Luna town along the north wall then tune into Whispering Rose Radio at to hear the tunes. Every person that plays is on their own ladder. For NTT&A game details and map of location CLICK HERE
Sunday - Jan. 18th - The Pacific Auction House (located just East of the Luna moongate) continues after 4 fantastic years to bring you more great deals. Get there early for best seating. Auction starts at 3pm ET (Noon PT) and is broadcasted live on WRRadio.
Thursday - Jan. 22nd – Its time to party with the Tazz and Keg's Underground show broadcasting live from 9pm to 11pm CT. Entering their underground world leads you to places you will never forget. Remember you can call into the show via Skype! For full details on how to call into the show visit the Tazz & Kegs Underground page at Underground Knights website.
Have a blast playing Ultima Online and listening to Whispering Rose Radio ( ~ see you all on the flip side.


UO Toolbar's 3rd Anniversary
This is late in coming, but last month GameXbar's UO Toolbar reached it's 3rd anniversary of serving the UO community! Yup, three years and we're still pounding out the latest news about Ultima Online and the UO community of contributors, fan sites, and media... along with hardware reviews, security notices for your PC, and much more.
It's been a great 3rd year. Lots of new users. Met with many great UO players & team members at the San Diego and Seattle UO town halls. More links & feeds than ever. We look forward to a bigger & better year in 2009! Keep a look out for more changes and new products.
Like last year, I would like to personally thank all the fine people at Electronic Arts & Mythic Entertainment, UOcomplex, Ultimate Online Forums, UOGuide, UO Stratics, the Ultima Online Team, Whispering Rose Radio, Queen Mum for the cookies at the town halls, anyone else I have missed, and most sincerely... all our supporters and players in & around the UO community!
As you share your love of Ultima Online, please continue to tell others about UO Toolbar and GameXbar! Again... thank you.


Hey everyone, just a quick reminder that you have until Monday afternoon to login and collect your tickets for the holiday gifts!

I hope ya’ll are staying warm this Friday evening. Sit back, play some UO and have a great time.

Have a great weekend everyone!

See Also