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Five on Friday - January 23, 2009
"Will windows 7 be compatible with Stygian Abyss?"
We are planning to support both clients on Windows 7. However, until Windows 7 is officially released, our customer support team will not be able to support players using Windows 7 Beta with technical issues.
- Supreem
"Are the scrolls of transcendence always going to drop from here on in, like the Dungeon Arties? Or is this one of those "limited time" deals?"
The scrolls of transcendence and other champ spawn rewards are a permanent addition. So no, it's not a limited time deal.
- Sakkarah
"Do Quivers of Infiniti on non-archer characters give DCI bonus?"
Quivers of Infiniti affect will effect you when they are equipped; it is not based off your skill.
- Mesanna
"Will there be another spring cleaning event?"
There may be another spring cleaning type event at some point in the future. But it is not currently in the schedule.
- Sakkarah
"I am a new player in New Haven, why can I not buy skills for training?"
If you have accepted one of the new player quests in New Haven you will have to resign from it before you can buy skills.
- Mesanna
Fansite News:
Lake Superior
- Community Meet'n Greet
- Date: Monday, January 26th
- Time: 7:30PM Central
- Location: Skara Brae Community Center
- Hosts: Airmid / Sabina Nikolai
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- Vesper Museum Exhibit tours
- Date: Tuesday, Januray 27th
- Time: 8:00PM Central
- Starting Location: New Haven Terrasse
- Host: Taeara Mi'Aken
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- Peerless hunt (Mondain's Legacy Required)
- Date: Wednesday, January 28th
- Time: 8:00PM Central
- Starting Location: New Haven Terrasse
- Host: Taeara Mi'Aken
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- Terort Skitas dungeon crawl
- Date: Wednesday, January 29th
- Time: 8:00PM Central
- Starting Location: New Haven Terrasse
- Host: Taeara Mi'Aken
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- Ilshenar Champion Spawn hunt
- Date: Friday, January 30th
- Time: 9:00PM Central
- Starting Location: New Haven Terrasse
- Host: Taeara Mi'Aken
Whispering Rose Radio Events
- Saturday - Jan. 24th - Its time for the ever popular Brush LimpPaw show starting at 5pm ET (2pm PT) on WRR where listeners hear his Universal Outlook on the worlds 'current events' as only he can deliver it.
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- Saturday - Jan. 24th - WRR Deal or No Deal 'UO Style' ~ Win up to 10 MILLION in GOLD on the shard of your choice (1/3 Seige) playing Deal or No Deal. This weeks DoND is on NAPA VALLEY starting at 3pm Pacific, 6pm Eastern. The DoND house is located along the North wall inside Luna town. Players from all shards are eligible to participate...just make a character on NAPA VALLEY to join in the fun!! Rules on how to play DoND UO Style are available on the station website where you can also tune in to hear this and other UO events live from...Whispering Rose Radio - For more details and location map CLICK HERE
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- Saturday - Jan. 24th - At 10pm Eastern (7pm PT) join in the fun with WRR's Name That Tune & Artist Show where over 25 Million in UO Gold can be won on the shard of your choice!! Anyone can play - just log onto CHESAPEAKE and head to Oni's Silvervales Lord & Lady Ball (runes found at banks) then tune into Whispering Rose Radio at www.wrrad.com to hear the tunes. Every person that plays is on their own ladder. For NTT&A game details and more information CLICK HERE
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- Saturday - Jan. 24th - From 9pm to 11pm PT (Midnight to 2am ET) participate in the live fun of DJ Flash and The Box Game with lots of chances for you to win fantastic UO in game prizes. Tune into wrrad.com to hear full game details and be ready to contact DJ Flash at ICQ 124-373-22
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- Sunday - Jan. 25th - The Pacific Auction House (located just East of the Luna moongate) continues after 4 fantastic years to bring you more great deals. Get there early for best seating. Auction starts at 3pm ET (Noon PT) and is broadcasted live on WRRadio.
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- Thursday - Jan. 29th - Its time to party with the Tazz and Keg's Underground show broadcasting live from 9pm to 11pm CT. Entering their underground world leads you to places you will never forget. Remember you can call into the show via Skype! For full details on how to call into the show visit the Tazz & Kegs Underground page at Underground Knights website.
- ~~~~~~~~~
- Have a blast playing Ultima Online and listening to Whispering Rose Radio (www.wrrad.com) ~ see you all on the flip side.
- Chesapeake Event! The SHE Twisted Scavenger Hunt
- The SHE guild of the Chesapeake shard invites everyone to participate in this shard wide event. Please join us at the SHE Auction house where you will receive your instructions. You will be given a clue to a location in Sosaria and a mini-riddle for an item that you must bring to that location. When you arrive at the location, hand the item to the SHE member and then the SHE member will give you the next item mini-riddle and location clue. This event is sponsored by the SHE guild, and we welcome everyone to join in the fun!
- Date: February 6th, 2009
- Time: 6:00 pm EST
- Starting Location: SHE Auction House (runes on ground and gates available at Luna 5:45 pm EST.)
- This event will have a total prize money of 10 MILLION Gold! The first 5 people to complete it will be rewarded as follows:
- 1st place: 5 million
- 2nd place: 3 million
- 3rd place: 1 million
- 4th place: 500K
- 5th place: 500K
- (SHE guild members are not eligible to participate.)
- And as always don't forget our SHE Auction every Saturday night at 7:00 pm EST., runes on the ground and gates from Luna at 6:45 pm EST. to 7:05 pm EST. We begin taking items at 6:30 pm EST. Everyone is invited to buy or sell items at our auction!
Interested in having your event posted on the Five on Friday? Make sure to send in all the details through the Feedback Form and selecting "Fan Site News" from the drop down menu. All entries must be received no later then Thursday at midnight for the FoF you want it in. Please note: All entries are subject to editing.
Do you have questions that you want the developers to answer? Submit them here for the Five on Friday.
I wanted to thank everyone for the warm welcome back to the UO team. I'm looking forward to helping out with the community team. Have a great weekend!