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Five on Friday - July 11, 2008
Since the wonderful Jeremy is still out enjoying her vacation, I am going to do something different for a Friday. Because I am being a bit unconventional, I'm putting this under Community News instead. First a few announcements:
- We have updated the patch notes for Publish 54 and added that the Gauntlets of Valor and Helm of Spirituality can be traded into Yonn.
- There is a known issue with aggressive pets tamed since Publish 54 getting guard killed. We are currently looking into this. By "aggressive pets" we mean nightmares, dragons and other such pets.
Now, a normal FoF has a number of questions from the Community. Today, I am fielding questions from myself and about myself, since I have some experience in the subject matter.
"How did you get your start in UO?"
I originally started playing in the beta. At the time I was going back to college after a stint in the Army and had a particularly weak computer with a horrible connection, so I suffered greatly and let UO sit neglected for a time. After graduation and having found a job, I started back up properly with T2A on Baja with a bunch of friends I had met on The Vault. I'm still friends with the core group of people that started that guild and have played many different subsequent MMOs with them.
"What is your first UO memory?"
I had my brand new first character and was wandering out by the Brit Crossroads (wait for it). While enjoying the countryside I saw that one of my fellow travellers had died near the road. Running up to the corpse I realized I could look inside and loot the body of the fine cape there. No sooner had my character draped his new found cape around his shoulders than a group of foul bandits appeared around me from hiding and laid into me immediately. I was no match for this band of hooligans and was soon sent to the Land of Gray, "ooOOOooO-ing" all my way back to the healer. I learned my lessons quickly.
"What was the first event you participated in?"
The first event I remember well was part of the Followers of Armageddon and Juo'Nar storyline. We fought Juo'Nar out in the countryside in an epic battle. I managed to loot his cloak and hat (what is it with me and cloaks anyway?) As the event wound down, I realized far too late that the furtive figure running around the battlefield was a thief...and he had stolen all my mandrake root. Then, his guild brethren arrived, armed and ready for a fight. Unable to recall or cast many meaningful spells, I died fighting. Dying like this never bothered me, I had long ago learned not to carry anything I couldn't afford to lose. This threshold event, however, taught me the importance of setting up my pack to frustrate thieves.
"What was your first character?"
A classic mage. I built up that character the old-fashioned way. No macros or exploits for me by gosh. Just tons and tons and tons of hours spent casting spells. To pay for this spell-casting frenzy, my second character was a tailor. Leather gorgets anyone?
"What is one of your favorite memories about UO?"
One guild night we were playing late, doing a bunch of different dungeons. We took a brief break at Brit Bank. A friend of mine had only recently started playing the game. As a joke, I handed him some explosive potions and asked him to "toss" one to me, which he obligingly did (I honestly didn't expect him to do it). After the inevitable guard-kill and everyone around the bank insta-looting his corpse, I re-equipped him with new gear....laughing myself senseless all the time.
And finally from Whispering Rose Radio
- While doing your share of cleanup for the ongoing Spring Cleaning 2008 campaign, and battling against the Shadowlords, WRR invites you to tune in and enjoy a few more exciting activities including....
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- Friday - July 11th - It's Shard Chatter time with TorAnn, Dr. Lil and PantherBabe on WRR. At 7pm PST, 10pm EST hear our UO player panel chat about this weeks interesting topics and voice your opinions about the goings on in UO! Their weekly show ends with the "you know you have been playing UO to long when..." segment where some hilarious endings are submitted by the listeners. Feel free to send yours in. (ICQ numbers can be found on the www.wrrad.com website)
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- Saturday - July 12th - Tune into the Brush LimpPaw show. 2pm PST, 5pm EST. Brush (Norman Bates/Groucho) brings you the NEWS as only he could see it.
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- Saturday - July 13th - Its Time for Deal or No Deal ~ 'UO Style' on the CATSKILLS shard starting at 3pm PST, 6pm EST. Participants will be playing for 10million this week and of course there will be 5 - 250k door prize drawings *remember, you must be there to win*. For a map of the WRR DoND location on CATSKILLS ... CLICK HERE.
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- Sunday - July 14th - After four terrific years, the Pacific Auction House (located just East of the Luna Moongate) continues to bring you more fantastic deals. Get there early for best seating. Auction starts at 12pm PST, 3pm EST and is broadcasted live on WRR.
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- Sunday - July 15th - The "Tazz & Keg's Underground" radio show on WRR is a must listen. Their weekly show is broadcasted at 7pm PST - 10pm EST. You never know where their cave will lead you.
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- Preparations are underway for the San Diego UO Town Hall Meeting, Saturday, July 26th. Whispering Rose Radio will be on hand with several staff members and will once more be broadcasting live!!