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Five on Friday - July 31, 2009
You mentioned you have an intern working on stygian abyss. What all do you have interns for? Im sure many people are interested in working on UO or taking a look behind the scenes.
Electronic Arts has a great internship program. Ultima Online was able to get one of those interns this summer. He has been working directly with the engineering team on Stygian Abyss. For more information regarding Electronic Arts’ internship program you can go here: https://jobs.ea.com/students/usa/intern.aspx
- Supreem
Are there any intentions of allowing reds into Ilshenar, Tokuno and Malas with SA (Still trammel rules)
There are no plans to allow reds into non-Felucca facets at this time.
- Sakkarah
Will there be new peerless hunts in SA?
There are new peerless-type encounters in SA: the Slasher of Veils, the Stygian Dragon, Medusa and Navrey Night-Eyes.
- Sakkarah
Will Gargoyles be able to use pack animals when mining and collecting wood if there crafters/gatherers?
Absolutely. Gargoyles can have the same pets humans and elves do. They simply cannot ride them.
- Sakkarah
Will the SA expansion for 2d users be patched the same way that ML was patched?
We plan to patch up all existing classic (2d) client installs to support the Stygian Abyss expansion. In other words, you shouldn’t need to download a new installer to access the expansion content. This could change however. If it does, we will let you know!
- Supreem
The developers participated in a House of Commons chat last night with Stratics. Click here to see the full chat log.
We will still be accepting screeen shots for the contest over the weekend so if you haven't submitted one yet here are the details. Remember the winner will get 30 days game time added to their account!
Do you have questions for the Five on Friday? If so click here to submit them.