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Five on Friday - June 12, 2009
Can you unravel Jewelry?
Yes, if the jewelry has magical properties. Can Jewelry be imbued? Yes. Do you have to have the crafting skills to be able to imbue an item? No, but crafting skills are useful for creating base items to Imbue.
- Leurocian
What is the actual damage increase in combat when you have 100 lumberjacking skill?
Is it still 30-35% damage incerase like it was in renaissance or was it reduced to the same damage increase as inscription; 10-15%? Lumberjack provides a damage bonus of +10% at GM.
- Leurocian
Does the chance of a Rares/Deco/Replica drop at the Valor/Spirituality/Humility/Tokono Champ Spawn increase based on how much of the spawn you kill & if so, does it only apply to one spawn session or does your chance reset each time you log out or start a different champ spawn? Is killing the early spawns cumulative until I get an artie?
The person who worked most of the spawn (earned the most points based on number and difficulty of the creatures killed) has the highest chance of receiving a replica. If that person doesn’t win it, then all the people who earned enough points to qualify for the replica have an equal chance at it, including the person who worked it the most. The points reset each time you start a different champ spawn. Logging out doesn’t reset your points. Only defeating the boss does. Points are altar specific so earning points at Altar A doesn’t count towards earning a replica at Altar B.
- Sakkarah
Given the uselessness of certain powerscrolls would it be a good idea to rebalance each skills abilities to better fit across the board?
Rebalancing skills is a long term goal not exclusively linked to powerscrolls. But for the short term, we have been exploring ways of making low level powerscrolls and stats scrolls more desirable. We’ll be able to provide you with more info once we’ve ironed out the last details.
- Sakkarah
Can you tell me all about the special move Feint, what it does, what affects it, how long it lasts etc?
The Feint special maneuver reduces the attacker’s damage by a percentage. The percentage can be 20% to 50% and scales based on the defender’s weapon skill. The Feint duration is 6 seconds.
- Leurocian
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