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Five on Friday - June 19, 2009

Why is it that pets are unable to navigate around a 1-tile obstacle unless their owner moves to a point where the pet could pathfind around the obstacle? In some extreme cases I have had to come back right to where the pet is and have it follow me on a 90 degree detour before it will move off the obstalce it's stuck on.

Ergh. The pet pathfinding code is really weak – it’s a single check for direct Line of Sight. It’s definitely something we want to look into since we use more advanced pathfinding with other mobs.

- Draconi


Under the new SA client will the gargoyle charactor (when flying) be able to cross mountain ranges or (if not) go further up the slope so to speak? and will they be able to cross open water without a boat? like other flying creatures such as birds and mongbats.

There will be *some* areas where they can do so, but it won’t be a carte blanche ability to cross terrain like you’ve described. For instance, the Shrine of Singularity in Ter Mur can only be accessed by flying over a mountain path. We’re definitely interested in pushing the envelope without causing any gamebreaking behavior, though.

- Draconi


Why are opposing factions able to heal and res each other? Thought these were sposed to be mortal enemies....

Sometimes it’s in the best interest of enemies to work together against common foes.

- Draconi


Why cant you exorcise ghosts in despise? This is the most done spawn yet people are allowed to ghost cam this without getting kicked.....

This will be fixed in Publish 59, along with changes to help relieve the Ghost Cam problem.

- Draconi


Will for SA been worked on a global chat system with a easy way to contact all players on the shard?

The global chat system will only work with players also using the SA client. For now we’ve disabled the feature and focused on fixing things that will prevent players from adopting the new client. Once we get a majority of our players using the new client, we can work out the bugs with the global chat system and re-enable it.

- Supreem



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