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Five on Friday - June 20, 2008
"What is the difference between the old Zoo point decay rate and the new one?"
Mesanna checked this one out for me:
"The decay rate used to be 3% every 24 hours. We have lowered it to 1% every 48 hours."
"Is there going to be a Spring Cleaning Phase 3?"
Yes! The next publish will have many more items that can be turned in for points - including many more seasonal gift items - and new sets of reward armor as well!
"Why do I have to spend twice the points to get house deco items in both directions?"
This was obviously not the ideal solution, and will be fixed in Publish 54 - players getting the house deco items will get a deed that allows you to choose which way the item faces, and existing items can be re-deeded and re-placed to get the same option.
"How long are the Spring Cleaning turn-ins going to be available?"
We don't have a firm date for the end of their availability, but Spring Cleaning will not last forever - at this point we're projecting the end of the event in approximately August. We'll give you plenty of notice, but I encourage everyone not to wait too long!
(Note: All dates are speculative and subject to change, polymorphing, and rising creeks. You have been warned.)
Bug Alert
This is an old bug that has cropped up again with all the new deedable items from Spring Cleaning - please do NOT place deedable items (curtains, rugs, Virtue tiles, etc) on the front steps to your house. Doing so will cause the item to drop to the ground and may compromise the security of the item.
Playguide Updates:
More clean-up than new info this week:
- Repair Service Contracts: Corrected info about being able to place these on vendors, also added info about all the other skills besides Blacksmithy that can make them.
- Animal Taming: Merged in updates from the Hirelings and Pets page under Misc.
- Hirelings and Pets: Removed the duplicated info from the Taming page and added a link instead.
- Vendors: Merged in the near- (but not quite) identical one under Miscellaneous, and removed the Misc one so future generations aren't driven mad.
- A Guide to Weapons and Equipment: Added a link to the Repair Service Contract page and cleaned the page up slightly.
What's To Come:
Publish 54 is coming along - it'll include Phase 3 of Spring Cleaning (which will include the mouse hole and the Sherry the Mouse statue improvements,) a ton of bug fixes, and the next set of event stuff!
Town Hall News:
Look at our schedule to find out when we'll be near you. Remember to RSVP so we don't run out of chips and dip! Also, be aware that while the San Diego Town Hall is over Comic-Con weekend, you do not need a Comic-Con badge to get in - although if you want one, you better hurry, because they seem to be selling out!
Fansite News:
A dramatic event for citizens of Chesapeake!
- PaxOku City & The Blue Light Tavern Presents
- Neos Day Out In 1997/1998
- Location: PaxOku City Northern area. (Chesapeake, Tokuno Islands)
- How to get there: Gates from Luna as well as guides from PaxOku will lead you to the play house.
- Price: Free!!!
- Date/Time: Saturday June 21, 2008 @ 9pm Eastern Time
- Rated: PG-13
- (For adult Language in one scene)
- (Character undressing & Redressing after dieing)
- Plot: Neo of Lothlore is just a simple man. He works hard for his gold but today has the worst run of luck. This play shows you some of the scams and other horrible things players did to each other back in 1997 & 1998. Neo starts out with a bad day at the West Brit bank Fel. Which leads into a run in with OSI and ends..... well we cannot tell you how it ends.
- All are welcome to come and we hope you enjoy the show!!!
And Whispering Rose Radio's weekly update:
- The first anniversary of Whispering Rose Radio was alot of fun last weekend with great events and staff/listener support! Thanks everyone for a wonderful first year! To top it off, we had a 50mil winner at DoND last week (Keebler of Lk Superior). AND 5mil went to each peanut gallery contestant. Not to mention the millions in gold and items given away at the Lk Superior loot house! Congrats to everyone!
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- And now for this week's events:
- Friday - June 20th - Shard chatter on WRR. 7pm PST, 10pm EST. Tune in to hear our panel chat about some interesting topics related to UO.
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- Saturday June 21st - The Brush LimpPaw show. 2pm PST, 5pm EST. Brush will be bringing you the NEWS as he sees it.
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- Saturday June 21st - Deal or No Deal UO Style will be held on Atlantic this Saturday (6-21-08) at 3pm PST, 6pm EST. You will be playing for 10mil this week and of course there will be 5 - 250k door prize checks (must be there to win) For a map of the location on Atlantic click here.
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- Saturday June 21st - Casino Night on Pacific. 7pm PST, 10pm EST. Gates will be provided in Luna.
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- Sunday - June 22nd - Pacific Auction House will be bringing you more of those great deals. 12pm PST, 3pm EST. In business for over 4 years now!
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- Monday June 23rd - Going away party for the very much loved Luna Rossa of the SAGE guild. 7pm PST, 10pm EST to be held at the Whispering Rose Radio Ballroom (Pacific shard - The old Pacific Auction House). She is leaving our realm after several years of playing UO.
Remember, folks, if you're doing something UO-related, in- or out-of-game, send an email to jdalberg AT ea DOT com and let me know about it! (Please put "FoF" somewhere in the subject so I put it in the right place!) Thanks!
Have a good weekend, folks.
- Jeremy