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Five on Friday - June 27, 2008
"When is the issue with the Curse spell cast by monsters going to be fixed?"
(For those of you who don't remember, the fix for the Curse debuff icon not showing up when you were Cursed by monsters inadvertently caused the monsters' Curse spell to lower resists, just like the players' version.)
We've got a fix for this in testing now - we'll have one more round of additions to Publish 54 hitting TC early next week, and if this fix gets the QA OK, it'll be in that batch.
"The Scout Armor is kinda neat, but it's Studded Leather - I can't stealth in it!"
That's not precisely a question, but it is a good observation - we're currently working on tweaking the set so that it's more... scout-like.
"How is your chance to remove a curse with Chivalry's Remove Curse spell determined?"
(This is my first solo foray into reading the server code, so bear with me :) )
Your chance at success is entirely determined by your karma (referring to Stratics' Fame and Karma chart will give you an approximate idea of your numeric Karma, which will be important in a minute.) If you have negative Karma, your chance to succeed is the square root of 20000 - your (absolute) karma (so remove the negative sign there), and then subtract 122 from the result. This means at just barely negative (-1) you'll have about a 20% chance of success, but at about -5000 (Tier 4 - Evil, etc - and below) you'll have a 0% chance. Dread Lords need not apply!
If your Karma is dead neutral (0) or positive, the chance is determined by taking the square root of your karma and then adding 25. This works out to a 25% chance of success at 0 karma, and 100% chance of success at 5600 or so - a little ways in to Tier 4 (Illustrious, etc.)
Playguide Updates:
Just the one page this week, and it's still in progress - and I need your help!
- Faction-Craftable Items: It's back! Please note that this info is not actually accurate for the live servers yet, but it is on Test Center - if you see something here that doesn't match up with what's on TC1, drop me a line - I'm particularly looking to verify the silver costs of the various items.
What's To Come:
Publish 54 is halfway there - as I mentioned above, we'll have one more set of changes pushed out to Test Center early next week, and then we'll go to Origin!
Town Hall News:
Look at our schedule to find out when we'll be near you. Remember to RSVP so we don't run out of chips and dip! Also, be aware that while the San Diego Town Hall is over Comic-Con weekend, you do not need a Comic-Con badge to get in - although if you want one, you better hurry, because they seem to be selling out!
Fansite News:
MoA Monday Madness - a scavenger hunt on Great Lakes!
- Monday June 30th, at 8pm CDT, the crew will be at the castle for fun and games. We will start the night with Trivia then do a scavenger hunt. During the scavenger hunt you will have to find the Monday night crew. They may be anywhere, will you be the first to find them? There will be prizes for all who participate. We hope to see you there.
And Whispering Rose Radio's weekly update:
- Stay cool this weekend while combating the members of 'The Six' and join Whispering Rose Radio [WRR] in these events...
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- Friday - June 27th - It's Shard Chatter time with TorAnn, Dr. Lil and PantherBabe on WRR. At 7pm PST, 10pm EST tune in to hear our panel chat about this weeks interesting topics and voice your opinions about the goings on in UO! Also, they end their weekly show with "you know you have been playing UO to long when...". There have been some hilarious endings submitted by the listeners so feel free to send yours in. (ICQ numbers can be found on the www.wrrad.com website)
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- Saturday - June 28th - Tune into the Brush LimpPaw show. 2pm PST, 5pm EST. Brush (Norman Bates/Groucho) brings you the NEWS as only he could see it.
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- Saturday - June 28th - Time for Deal or No Deal 'UO Style' on Great Lakes starting at 3pm PST, 6pm EST. You will be playing for 10mil this week and of course there will be 5 - 250k door prize checks (must be there to win). For a map of the WRR DoND location on Great Lakes ... CLICK HERE.
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- Sunday - June 29th - After 4 great years, the Pacific Auction House (located just East of the Luna Moongate) continues to bring you more fabulous deals. Get there early for best seating, auction starts at 12pm PST, 3pm EST and is broadcasted live on WRR.
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- Sunday - June 29th - The "Tazz & Keg's Underground" radio show on WRR is a must listen. Their show is broadcasted at 7pm PST - 10pm EST and each week you never know where they will lead you though their cave.
- Enjoy the game with WRR and stay out of the 'heat' ... see you all on the flip side.
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Remember, folks, if you're doing something UO-related, in- or out-of-game, send an email to jdalberg AT ea DOT com and let me know about it! (Please put "FoF" somewhere in the subject so I put it in the right place!) Thanks!
Since next Friday is the Fourth of July, the FoF will show up on Thursday instead. Enjoy your weekend!
- Jeremy