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Five on Friday - March 23, 2007

"What is the cap for [x] item property?"
Here are caps for the properties that have them:

Resists: 70 in each
Lower Ammo Cost Max: 50%
Hit Chance Increase 45%
Defense Chance Increase 45%
Swing Speed Increase 60%
Lower Mana Cost 40%
Damage Increase 100%
Luck 10,000 (this is theoretical - it's not actually reachable with currently available items)
Mana Regeneration 18
Hp Regeneration 18
Stamina Regeneration 24

(If there are caps that we missed, or ones you want to be 100% sure don't have caps, let me know.)


Kingdom Reborn Pic of the Week:
The testers have gotten their hands on the version y'all will see tomorrow, and while they'd love to show you things like the Flexible Desktop, you'll have to wait an extra day - can't have them stealing my thunder! Instead, allow me to present you with these fabulous Elemental Comparison sheets, showing nine different Elementals in both their old and new forms:

Earth, Fire, Water, Acid, Blood
Poison, Air, Sand Vortex, Efreet


3D Client Update:
We have a specific date when the legacy 3D client will be going away (as always, all dates are subject to change.) The 3D client will no longer be usable on the live servers as of the client patch that is projected to go live on April 2nd. After that patch, the only clients that you will be able to log in with are the 2D client and, if you're a beta tester, the KR client on certain servers.


"Will KR be able to support custom music files.. IE will they be in MP3 format??"
While KR's music files will be in MP3 format, they most likely won't be accessible for players to edit at launch. We have fond dreams of an easy-to-use custom music system, but, however cool it may be, it has to take a back seat to some other things - like getting crafting, targeting, custom houses, etc to work right. I'm sure y'all understand. ;)


"Is Kingdom Reborn an in-house engine? What is the engine's name?"
An interesting bit of trivia - the engine we are using for KR is Gamebryo.


"3D games give me motion sickness. I'm worried that Kingdom Reborn will make me sick - will it?"
Kingdom Reborn has the same fixed, top-down perspective as the current clients - you can zoom in and out, but you can't rotate the camera. If the current client doesn't cause motion sickness, it is very unlikely that KR will cause it - I tend to get motion-sick myself in certain kinds of games, and KR doesn't bother me at all.


A reminder - there's only one week left to get a chance at a beta slot for doing something as simple as sending in a Feedback Form. Forms submitted must be received before midnight, March 31 in order to be eligible. Lots and lots and LOTS of people have sent in feedback so far - thank you!


The Maryland Town Hall is tomorrow! Please RSVP and come hang out with us. We'll be giving away beta slots, and for all you game industry hopefuls, we'll also have recruiters there looking for a few good gamers to don the fabled Red Robes. I look forward to seeing all of you in person!


Fansite News

" is celebrating its 2nd year anniversary and is kicking off with it’s new 128kbps stream. is widely known world-wide. We have broadcasted and recorded Town Hall meetings in the USA, the UK, Germany, and even had Japanese UO players on our shows.

Come check us out at!"


I'll see you all tomorrow, right? RIGHT? ;)

- Jeremy

See Also