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Five on Friday - March 24, 2006

1. Does the proficiency system have any impact on PvM, or is it just for PvP?
Wilki: It will be applied equally to both PvM and PvP. However, for weapon damage increase, there will be options to focus in both PvM and PvP WDI, or both if a player chooses to allocate their proficiencies in that manner. So far, everything else is equally applied to both, though that could change as we begin our testing phase.

2. I really enjoyed participating in the old scenarios, and more recently, the EM events. Are these ever going to return to UO? Darkscribe: The short answer: Yes. The long answer: I love large scale events that feel like everyone in the world can take part. We had a long planning session this week that will result in a year long arc of events that will tell an epic story with long-lasting implications for Sosaria. What I’m most excited about is that the plan we’re working on incorporates many different kinds of events and puzzles. It will use the temporary dungeon system, the advanced spawner for invasions, the quest system, EM events, and even hidden messages on the website and riddles hidden in remote areas of Sosaria. When will it kick off? I can’t say at the moment. It’s a pretty aggressive plan and we need to do a lot of work on the development schedule. But stay tuned. I want to get chapter one up and running as soon as possible. Meanwhile, as you travel Sosaria, keep an eye out for anything unusual.

3. Can you tell us about the recent changes to the in-game GM help system?
Lead GM Silvani: A few months back our GM help system changed. Many of you have seen these changes, and I’ve wanted to go over them with a bit more detail.

GM Chat - Much like the current party system, this tool will allow Game Masters to chat with players in a similar fashion.

We understand that players may not always be in a situation where they are able to talk. To accommodate this, when a Game Master starts a chat, they may bring the player to a safe location, the Britannia jail, allowing them to safely hold a conversation with a GM without any outside influence or danger.

Game Masters will not be visible during this chat, nor will they be able to see your normal text. To reply back to a Game Master you will need to use the open bracket key [ and then start typing. This key will only send a message to a Game Master if they have opened a chat with you. Use of this button outside of an open chat will not reach a GM.

Targeting - When you page using the harassment option, you are asked to enter text about the situation. Once you have submitted that information you will then be asked to target the player(s) involved with the harassment reported. This can be done in one of three ways.

Targeting the involved players - With this option you will get a mouse targeting cursor with which you can click on the players who you are reporting for harassment.

Typing the names of the players - With this option you will be given 3 blank lines where you can enter the player name(s).

Selecting a name from a list - This will give you a list of all the players that are currently in the same area as you. This will only encompass your immediate area.

Persistent Pages - Help requests will now remain in place even after log out. Players will now be able to log out of the game and back in without losing their place 'in line'. However, they will need to stay on the same shard to get an in-game response. If a player is offline, Game Masters will still be able to address their petition, and will do so via email. Please be sure you keep your email address and information associated with your account up to date so that these responses reach you.

All other aspects of your Game Master interaction will function the same.

These new tools are an exciting change that will allow for better communication between our players and Game Masters, and we look forward to its use to better serve your needs.

4. How is QA involved in determining which legacy bugs will get fixed each publish?
Ando: Before each publish, the Dev team meets to discuss what they would like to fixed. Each department, such as QA, Community, GMs, Engineering, etc each bring a list of things they would like to see addressed. Everyone has their own view of what is important, but we are generally able to come to a consensus on what we want to do in a reasonable amount of time. A representative from QA will normally attend one of these meetings with a list of its top issues. We prioritize this list based on a number of factors such as how severe a bug impacts a player, the likelihood a player will encounter a bug, and whether or not it’s a hot issue we’re seeing a lot of discussion about.

5. I heard a rumor that the volunteer program is coming back. Is that true?
Wilki: We’ve been investigating ways to bring back the volunteer program, but so far, those haven’t panned out. It’s not a dead idea, but as of right now, there isn’t any progress to report. So, unfortunately, we don’t expect them to return in the near future.

See Also