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Five on Friday - May 15, 2009

Is the SA client going to be a top down 2D view like 2D and KR or is it going to be more like a 3d world like world of warcraft?

The SA client is an improvement on the KR client, and thus still keeps the UO 2.5D look and feel – featuring new terrain, particle effects, animations, and an enhanced UI.

- Draconi


The Deal with the Vorpal Blade? I thought it was supposed to make a Vortex Hole that sends us to a random location...

My fault again! This and the other items will be enabled in a future Live publish.

- Draconi


Why is HLD available on glasses but HLA isn't?

This would need to be investigated further. It’s possible that the Design team during Mondain’s Legacy didn’t feel a need to include the Hit Lower Attack item property on glasses.

- Leurocian


Will there be new housing tilesets in Stygian Abyss?

We will have additional tile sets added to the current ones.

- Leurocian


I saw that pressing CTRL on a KR client makes player stops, and there's nothing to avoid this. I used to put many combinated keys macroes on ctrl.. This will change on SA client? Thanks.

The idea behind the control key in the KR client was to allow players to face in a direction without running. This was because it was much harder in KR to face in a direction by single clicking. We will be removing this key assignment completely for SA since so many players use the control key for macros.

- Supreem



We have updated the beta sign up page to an https address. The new link to sign up is on the Mythic Beta center. The new address is

  • Note: If you have already signed up for the beta you do not have to resubmit it.


New screenshots have been added to the Stygian Abyss page. Check them out here.


It’s that time again to submit your Five on Friday questions! Do so by clicking here.

See Also