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Five on Friday - May 19, 2006
1. Would it be possible to have a beta test client that everyone can download if they choose that is separate from the main client?
Darkscribe: Yes. On occasion, we will be making beta clients available to test new functionality before release to the entire player base. Sometimes these will be small tests of 10-20 players. Sometimes they will be large beta tests available to almost everyone. It depends on the functionality we’re adding and how deep we need to test it.
2. I really like the new targeting and buff/debuff systems. Are there any more improvements in store for the client?
Darkscribe: Yes. There probably won’t be any major client changes in Pub 41, which is dedicated to features and content that will require more server-side work. More on those soon.
3. Some of the changes that have been proposed are going to make PvM more difficult, especially when it comes to the peerless bosses. Are there plans to rebalance PvM after combat has been changed?
MrTact: If we were to tweak weapon and spell damage values as part of the balancing process, it would pretty much mandatory for us to review monster stats in that light.
4. Will we ever see a Guild Message of the Day feature in UO?
MrTact: Hopefully! I would very much like to implement this, but it’s not on any schedule atm.
5. I'm seeing a lot of new faces (NPCs) related to the Inu the Crone plotline. Do you have any hints on more ways we can interact with them?
Draconi: *smiles* When I meet new people, one of the first things I like to ask them is their name and a little about their job! This usually gives me enough that I can make much longer conversations with them, rather than just randomly saying something. Also, it really helps if I seem interested in what they're saying! If I just sat their and spit out one word responses to someone, they'd get tired of it pretty quick. So try to think about what they're saying, and sometimes phrase things with a few more words than you normally might - in fact, sometimes try to think of things that they didn't exactly say!
Oh! Sometimes people like to receive gifts or have you run errands for them. Right now there might not be too many of that sort hanging about Inu, but you never know.