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Five on Friday - May 26, 2006
1. I have noticed some lag lately while I've been playing. Is anything being done to address this?
Ando: Yes, the Dev team is working to find a resolution to this issue as soon as possible. Currently we know that this issue only appears to be affecting certain parts of the world and is more noticeable on some shards than it is on others.
2. Hey, have you guys noticed the crazy old lady at the bank? She's really got a crowd worked up! What's going on?
City Guard: We are aware of her presence, yes. She is called Inu the Crone, a visiting national from the Tokuno Isles. Thou art not the first to inquire, and we shall be posting an informative bulletin for the citizenry in the near future. Good day.
3. Sometimes I feel like nobody actually looks at my question when I page a GM. Are you guys robots?
Lead GM Hugo: Are we robots? That's an age old question for us in In-Game Support. The short answer is no, but what a great idea!
You see, each UO petition is reviewed (in real time) by a live person and addressed on an individual basis. Our GM's responses are actively reviewed and measured as to ensure the highest accuracy and quality possible. Wow, just think about it! If we employed robots who didn't care about properly identifying your issue, nor what information they gave you in return; we could save a ton of money!
Unfortunately, accuracy and quality are two determining factors we're just not willing to sacrifice. We understand that when you have exhausted all your efforts and reach out to us for help, you need it as soon as possible. So, that's our mission. We aim to get the most accurate information in your hands as quickly as "humanly" possible. Believe it or not, we often come across the same question multiple times. We'll typically take the necessary time to write about it in detail at http://www.support.ea.com. If that's the case, we're more than happy to assist your retrieval of that information. Don't forget, we're here to help you twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and three hundred sixty-five days a year.
4. Are you going to be doing town hall events again soon? If so, what cities?
Darkscribe: Yes, we are hoping to get on the road again in late summer or fall. As for what cities, those are TBD. I'd love to get back to Austin for a visit (I miss the barbecue quite a bit), and going back to DC might be fun. That was perhaps the most memorable town hall meeting from last year, where we met the infamous Drunk Guy. We are very open to suggestions.
5. When are we going to hear more about the anti-scripting initiative you've been hinting at?
MrTact: Soon. Very soon.