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Five on Friday - May 30, 2008
"Why did my Dread Warhorse's stats change when I stabled it?"
This seems to have caused a fair bit of confusion. The Dread Warhorse can cast Bless and Strength on itself - when you use Animal Lore on it, it will show the stats including the effects of any buffs. When it's stabled, it loses these buffs (although of course it can always cast them again.)
"Why do Artifact Level 1 Doom stealables have the same point value as Artifact Level 10 Dark Father drops?"
This was a good point raised by our TC testers, and we've broken out the artifacts by level, instead. (You'll probably see the changes early next week.) Instead of all major artifacts giving 10,000 points, they'll vary by level from 200 points for the relatively common level 1 and 2 artifacts to 25,000 points for extremely rare level 12 artifacts. Major Tokuno artifacts will count as level 10 - 10,000 points - as well.
"I'm a fisherman - why would I want to turn in SoSes and MiBs instead of using them?"
Actually, you probably won't. With the next revision of the turn-ins (next week) pre-chest loot will be worth 250 points apiece, and the chest might contain a Fishing Net which is worth more points. Also, the Ghost Anchor and the Seahorse will be worth 25,000 points as well!
"Why on earth would I want to turn in my old and rare holiday gifts for only 50 points?"
So "Holiday & Valentine Gifts" was a touch too broad a category - we don't want your Whispering Roses or that ancient Fruitcake after all. You may or may not think all of these are worth more as points than as collectibles - certainly I know I'm not giving up ALL of my old things - but I certainly have a lot of duplicates lying around. (A LOT of duplicates... man. *looks around at heaps of old boxes*) Here's the actual list of the items that can be turned in for 50 points apiece:
- Snowglobes
- Snowflakes
- Holiday Cards
- Holiday Trees
- Poinsettia
- Holiday Tree Deeds
- Candy Cane
- Pile of Snow / Glacial Snow
- Holiday Bells
- Holiday Candles
- Holiday Statue
- Mistletoe
- Reindeers
- Snowman
- Holiday Wreath
- Holiday Timepiece
- Valentine Cards
- Rose in a Vase
- Red Velvet Box (NOTE: this is for the container ONLY. If you turn in a box with stuff in it you'll still only get 50 points.)
"What happened to the Potted Cactus that was on the reward list last Friday?"
We made some last minute tweaks and changes on Monday, so it got taken out. I suspect a nefarious plan...
(I always suspect a nefarious plan. And with this team, I'm usually proven correct :P)
There was a typo in the Test Center notes (now corrected) - the Luck Jewelry, when worn as a set, gives 400 Luck, not 300. Sorry!
QA Request
QA has been seeing reports of Greater Dragons appearing to be running in place - as if they'd run out of stamina. They're having some trouble reproducing the issue, so if you see this occur with your dragons, we'd love it if you sent in as much detail as possible to uobugs AT ea DOT com (or use the Feedback form.) Helpful details would include what you were doing at the time (walking, running, fighting, etc) and the stats of the dragon. Thanks!
What's To Come:
We're letting Publish 53 bake on TC over the weekend - Origin should be seeing it sometime next week, barring really unusual bugs reported. In the meantime, travelers to Moonglow have noticed unusual occurances in the area formerly occupied by the rift, and some have met a very strange gentleman named Andrew...
Town Hall News:
Look at our schedule to find out when we'll be near you. Remember to RSVP so we don't run out of chips and dip!
Fansite News:
Several player-run events are coming up, as reported by our correspondant at Whispering Rose Radio:
Rares Collector's Festival & The Council of Rares on Lake Superior:
- Rares Collector's Festival & The Council of Rares May 30th through June 1st on Lake Superior brought to you by DVI. If anyone has any questions or concerns please contact DVI via ICQ - 247-299-718 To find the Rares Festival house, walk west out of the Luna Gate, and turn South along the path. The house is the 2nd house south of where the path ends. There is a huge Auction list brought you by YGV Auctions of Lake Superior!
- Check UO Stratics for more info.
Auction on Pacific:
- Sunday May 31st Join us at the Pacific Auction House on the Pacific shard. We have been auctioneering for your pleasure for 4.5 years now. Our motto is: Our Success is Your Satisfaction! Every Sunday at noon Pacific Time, 3pm EST.
WRR Announcements:
- Whispering Rose Radio announces weekly Shard Chatter every Friday night at 7pm PST, 10 pm EST with Producer DJ Bearfoot and company. Contact us on www.wrrad.com for more info on how to talk live on internet radio during our show! Great UO topics weekly. Come join us...
- Join us for Deal or No Deal UO Style for our weekly Cross Shard Event (All gold is awarded on shard of choice {1/3 on Seige} ) 3pm PST, 6pm EST on Lk Superior this week....And don't forget....we will see you at the Town Hall Meeting in San Diego at the end of July..be sure and RSVP!
I know I have a fair bit of house organization to do in preparation for this round of turn-ins - I better get cracking! Have a good weekend, folks.
- Jeremy