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Five on Friday - November 16, 2007

"What’s the deal with Crushing Blow? It seems to not always add damage."
Crushing Blow is a 150% damage modifier (the same DI modifier most things use, code-wise.) What's probably happening, if you don't see a difference, is that you're running up against the 300% cap (fifth question down.)


"When a monster loots you, how is that loot handled? Does it just become regular loot, distributed via normal loot rules?"
No, actually, that loot is separate. When the critter that's looted you dies, the looted items are placed on your instance of the corpse - and even if you wouldn't normally get an instanced corpse for it, one is created for you to hold those items. That corpse will remain available to you (and only you) until the corpse decays entirely.


"I'm a Legendary Smith - why do I lose durability points so often when I try to repair things?"
"Because there's a pretty high base chance to lose a point of durability" seems to be the simple answer. The formula is as follows:

Chance to lose Durability = ((40 + Max Durability) - Current Durability) - (repairSkill / 100) (where repair skill is Test Center-style, i.e. GM = 1000, not 100.0)

Example: Blacksmithing of 1100 (110.0), 50 current and max durability, yields a 29% chance that max durability will be reduced by 1. If an item has taken more than 71 points of damage, the chance for it to lose a point of durability reaches 100% even for a Legendary smith. So there's a definite choice to be made - do you repair early and often, and risk failure, or late and seldom, and guarantee it?


"I bought the 20% Storage Increase, but my vendor slots didn't go up by 20%. What's the deal?"
So, despite what the KB says, it's NOT a 20% increase to your vendor slots. Your vendor slots are derived from your total storage (by an incredibly arcane formula) so increasing your total storage will make your vendor slots go up, but it's not as simple as just adding 20% (or 40%, if you have both ML and the new bonus.)

There's no terribly useful way to find your new vendor slot amount (short of just buying the bonus and trying it) so I'll get a new chart put together and added to the vendor page/kb in the relatively near future.


"We STILL aren't seeing any rubble in Magincia!"
Oh, you will :) Here's an update from the Master of Disaster himself:

  • The invasion is switching to its near-final (but not quite done) phase where Light and Void daemons gain their full powers from the corrupted moongate
  • Destruction can averted by killing Light Daemons before they reach buildings
  • Destroyed areas come with an initial set of "rubble", and, for a short time thereafter, will occasionally spawn duplicate pieces of "rubble" for collectors
  • Items marked as "debris" cannot be picked up or removed by players
  • The top few attackers on Light and Void daemons now have an exceptionally high chance of receiving their related rare artifacts (Staff of Pyros, etc) directly into their packs


"When's the next KR patch? It's been a loooong time."
We're planning to go to TC next week. Here are a few of the things you can look forward to:

  • CatHat tweaked the tree colors to make them stand out more ("Everything is a big green blur!" has been a common complaint.)
  • Added mouse-wheel targeting
  • Added a bandage countdown
  • You can select chat colors now, both overhead and in-window, and pick the background color (along with several other chat improvements)

That's not to mention all the performance improvements, the fully-moddable UI, Legacy Art Mode, legacy container art, and tons of tweaks, bug fixes, and improvements.


"I don't play KR - do *I* get anything?"
Oh, perhaps we can come up with something... hmm, how's this?

The Salvage Bag:

The Salvage Bag is the core of the enhanced recycling system. Players store items in the bag like any other container, but when a recycle command occurs, they target the bag to handle all the items at once.


  • A blue leather bag labeled "A Salvage Bag"
  • Available on Provisioners for a nominal (~1000gp) fee


  • 2D/KR: Player clicks the bag after obtaining targeting cursor from Smelt (Blacksmith Menu) or using Scissors
    • All items of the appropriate type in the bag (metal for smelting, cloth for scissoring) are recycled into their resources
    • The player gets a message containing number of items successfully recycled
    • KR will have some additional functionality with this item (cool things with the macro system that reduce the number of clicks involved) but the bag itself will be available to anyone.


Fansite News
UO's got a new fansite, focusing on KR skins and mods! Check out - it's brand-new, and needs some submissions, but it looks like it will be an excellent resource.

UOForums interviews Crystal Rose, from Whispering Rose Radio!

"Crystal Rose took some time out to answer questions submitted by our staff and posters alike. Many thanks Crystal for a great interview - check out the full interview here!"


Next week is Thanksgiving, so there will not be a Five on Friday. Instead, we hope to have juicy patch notes by midweek!

- Jeremy

See Also