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Five on Friday - November 17, 2006
"We haven't heard much recently about what you are working on. Is there a new publish coming up? What's in it?"
We're hard at work on the live event storyline and a key event will happen very soon that will begin the main storyline that leads to the launch of Kingdom Reborn. Also, as you may have noticed, we are getting tweaks and bug fixes out the door while the majority of the team is focusing on UOKR. Which brings us to the next question...
"So what's up with KR? We haven't heard anything new in a while..."
I chased down Darkscribe, the Keeper of Secrets, and got this out of him: "There will be quite a lot of info released later in January after a couple press tours, and we are lining up Town Hall dates and locations for next year as well.
However, there might be a UOKR surprise or two in store in December."
"The Halloween content has ended on production shards, but I notice Shard Of The Dead is still up. Do you have any more plans for this?"
Draconi says, "Even though we're well past Halloween and its horrors, there's more stuff we'd like to show you. It'll be less scary, perhaps, but it's still aptly named: plenty of ways left to die!"
"So what have YOU done for us lately, Jeremy?"
I'll admit, no one actually asked this, but I've spent the week learning how to update the website and digging through the absurdly huge mass of old files, and I wanted to show off. If you're a UO history buff like I am, check out some of the old archived newsletters now available here or some old Town Hall recaps here including coverage of the first UO Fan Faire in 2000.
"Thieves! Tell us about thieves! What are you going to do about thieves!"
This is what we do about thieves...
(No, this doesn't count as an answer about what we're going to do with the profession. I don't have one this week, but I wanted to acknowledge your persistence. :) )
Due to the holiday next week, there won't be a Five on Friday posted. We'll all be eating leftover turkey :) Have a good weekend - go throw tomatoes at Ricardo!
- Jeremy