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Five on Friday - October 23, 2009
Will we ever see the uo.com character search and guild database return?
There was a bug with the character export process that was causing issues with MyUO. A fix for this will be going out with the next publish. The next MyUO update after the server publish (which happens every 24 hours) should correct the problem. If the problem persists after the next publish, we will look into it further.
Two questions. After server up, I did trammel champ spawns for about 2 hours. and suddenly went red in trammel Delucia. Any idea how that happened? I did kill on person before the server went down for pub 61. Second question is it illegal to be red in trammel?
The person that you killed reported you later while you were in Trammel turning you into a murderer while in Trammel. It is illegal to be a murderer in Trammel so if this does occur it is highly recommended that you go to Felucca immediately whenever this may happen in the future.
-Stephen W.
On stratics it says that bows lose accuracy after approx 300-500 arrows. Is this information correct?
Bows do not lose accuracy due to use.
-Stephen W.
The Japanese UO site lists "Soles Of Providence" as a reward from the Font of fortune. Can someone please confirm that this is indeed a reward?
Yes, these sandals are a new possible reward from the Font of Fortune. The Soles of Providence are 80 luck sandals.
Is the faction system going to be repaired,remolded or replaced? Will the Order/Chaos....Good V evil be returning?
Our design team is currently taking a good, hard look at Factions and we are currently making plans for a series of updates culminating in a significantly revamped system. Right now in this early phase, we have a lot of ideas on the table. Amongst those are:
- 1.A complete overhaul of the scoring and ranking system, with an eye towards rewarding healing, stealth, crafting, and other types of participation in addition to racking up kill counts
- 2.Possibly reducing the number of factions to 3
- 3.Rebuilding the bases to make them more balanced, including removing bases from areas within guard zones
- 4.Revamping town capture with an eye towards focusing the fighting, creating more intense battles
- 5.Adding more ways to use Silver, as well as working to fix various economic issues surrounding Factions
- 6.Adding more benefits to controlling towns, with an eye towards allowing Factions to have greater influence on the game world
In addition to the above, we have a list of miscellaneous bugs we want to fix.
Please note that we are very early in the design stages on this, and as we delve more deeply into this project our final feature change list will evolve. The above list is the pie in the sky and now we’re seeing how much of it we can (and should) bring down to Earth. We are interested in seeing some more of your Factions-related ideas and requests on the forums.
Make sure to check out TC1 with the new Halloween content. We have changed things up a bit from previous years. If you don't want to be spoiled that's ok it will be on your home shard next week.
Submit your questions for the Five on Friday just click HERE.