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Five on Friday - September 14, 2007

"Why does Repond work on mages, but not brigands?"
Repond doesn’t actually work on humans, just humanoids. Brigands (and some other purely human NPCs, as well as players) are immune to it. Evil mages, however, have been corrupted to the point of losing their essential humanity, and are vulnerable.


"When are we going to see another patch?"
The next patch will be for the 10th Anniversary content - after that, we're going on a KR bug sprint/polish run. We've got a whole bunch of bugs logged thanks to y'all, and we're gonna knock them out - we also want to hit some of the UI aspects that need work, keep banging away on performance, and keep adding new functionality. We're not done yet, folks! I'll try to keep y'all posted about our schedule, and should have some more info within the next week or so.


Town Hall: Anaheim(ish)
Our last Town Hall of the year is at Dave and Buster's in Orange, California, on October 13th. If you're in the area, please RSVP and come see what we're up to!


Fansite News
The Austin Town Hall was tons of fun, and our fansites have some awesome coverage and interviews:

Writeup of the Town Hall, parts 1, 2, and 3. (You can also go to the UO page for Guildcafe and vote those articles up so the pack of rabid gamers hanging out over there sees 'em :) )

Complete audio of the Town Hall
Interview with Leurocian

Interview with our special guest, Lord British himself!

The Paxlair presentation, from Governor Winfield himself.
A few pics of the event. ("Tide and Kelmo pwn Draconi", a great set from Garibold and Jopam, and "Draconi Holds Court" from Governor Winfield.)

Our next Stratics House of Commons Chat will be next Thursday, September 20th, at 5PM PDT. You can get instructions on how to join this IRC chat here. Come on out and bring your questions! (If you showed up last night, sorry about the miscommunication!)

Also, check out some seriously awesome UO webcomicness from Real Life.


Lots and lots of good stuff to check out - I particularly recommend listening to the interviews. Also, got a question at the Town Hall about giving out updated formulas - if that's stuff you want to see, please, please send it in via the feedback forms. I need to know *which* formulas y'all care about!

- Jeremy

See Also