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Five on Friday - September 25, 2009
So I've been checkin the boards daily and have been searching far and wide to find the last 4 mystic spells. Do they exist??? Please shed some light on this.
It is true that higher circle Mysticism scrolls were not dropping as loot. They have been added to several high-level Abyss and Ter Mur casters, including all the bosses.
- Pheonix
The guild system does not appear to be working properly. The guild page on the official site seems way out-of-date. Veteran guilds trying to change leaders report problems with the vote count system. What's the real story?
We recently discovered a curious little error in the Guild system. Way back when Guild Stones were converted to the modern system, a voting filter was included that only tallies votes from active guild members. That filter was disabled during the conversion, because the member activity data was new, and the lack of activity data on newly converted guilds would wreak havoc. The filter was supposed to be enabled in the subsequent publish, but somehow that got lost in the shuffle.
As a result, in order to elect a guild member, 2/3rd of the entire guild roster who have enough rank to vote must vote for a new Guildmaster. So, for any guild where 1/3 of the membership is inactive, it becomes impossible to successfully vote. If the guild has no active members who can kick inactive members, then obviously there is a whole boatload of fail happening.
We are currently checking to make sure that enabling that filter will have the intended effect of only requiring 2/3 of active guild members to elect a new Guildmaster, and won’t have any unintended side-effects. Assuming no additional issues arise, we will be able to enable that filter in a near future publish. At that time, voting in a new Guildmaster will require only a plurality of votes from active guildmembers who have sufficient rank to vote.
- Pheonix
Is the reward you get from the experimental room based on the time you have remaining to complete the puzzle?
No. The reward you get is entirely random. No one item is rarer than the next. It’s all up to the current mood of the RNG!
- Sakkarah
The Font Of Fortune sometimes eats coins without giving anything and can the daily timer be removed? Having to change characters and run all the way down there on each one when trying for a particular reward becomes rather tiresome. Without the timer you could at least work for the reward, rather than playing the grind/run/timeout game over and over.
We will investigate the issue of coins not giving rewards. The coin is simply meant as an extra little goody for fighting creatures in the Underworld. Removing the timer would encourage the "grind" or extensive farming of creatures so people could hoard the rewards. So this is not something we are considering at this time.
- Sakkarah
Why can't gargoyles meditate with gargoyle earrings and necklaces? They are just small pieces of jewelry, like a ring or bracelet, so they shouldnt interfere with meditation. And this makes it VERY hard to get a medable 100% lrc suit for a gargoyle.
That was an oversight. That has been fixed and should be on a shard near you in an upcoming publish!
- Sakkarah
Return to Brittania is still open! So if you have an inactive account you can log in and play!
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